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An idea struck him: the canoe or its occupant, if anybody could be insane enough to come out canoeing in such water, might fetch the curlew and save him a swim. "Hi!" he shouted in stentorian tones. "Hullo there!" "Yes," answered a woman's gentle voice across the waters.

Behold how she has resolutely locked the doors of her empty cage after all these species have flown: Elk, antelope, wild turkey, passenger pigeon, whooping crane, sage grouse, ptarmigan and curlew. In a short time the pinnated grouse can be added to the list of has-beens. There is little to say regarding the future of the game of Nebraska; for its "future" is now history.

I was seated in the stern of the Curlew, as the boat lay against the pier upon which my father sat smoking.

Antelope, mountain sheep and grizzly bears are going, fast! The moose season opens in 1915, for a 30 days open season, then close season until 1920. Sage grouse, blue grouse, curlew, sandhill crane, porcupine practically extinct; wolverine and pine marten nearly all gone. ALBERTA: Swainson's buzzard and sandhill crane are now practically extinct.

A ship was wrecked here on the Gaulton rocks, and all your family were aboard. Your mother and Tom were picked up by the Curlew, but Carver and you werena found for some days after the wreck. My father found you both in a cave, down in the cliff, and if it hadna been for him, I suppose you wouldna be here now, Thora, to say that Carver had beaten you."

Cecilia fancied she descried Nevil's Petrel, dubbed Curlew, to Eastward, and had a faint gladness in the thought that his knowledge of his uncle Everard's deed of violence would be deferred for another two or three hours. She tried to persuade her father to wait for Nevil, and invite him to dine at Mount Laurels, and break the news to him gently.

"Off to the sealing when he might have a fine sail in the Curlew. I wish I could get such a chance." "All right, lad!" interrupted my father. "Away with you to the sealing. You'll get many another chance of a sail. Who's going with you?" "Robbie Rosson and Willie Hercus and " I added with some hesitation, "Tom Kinlay," for I knew my father did not entirely approve of Tom as a companion.

He sat and smoked, spiritually bemused, his brain running like a fountain with melodies of music and poetry, notes and words that sang in his ears and murmured on his lips without his hearing them. So a distant curlew thrilled him to a more ecstatic melancholy with its call through the moon-transfigured world, and he did not notice it.

When the Curlew flies to that part of the mud-flat which is first exposed by the receding tide, and there associates with others, it does not then do so because it has any interest in its fellows, nor because they serve as an attraction, but because it is constrained by hunger in other words, the association is determined by accident.

Suddenly the warship swung gracefully around, showing along her dull gray side a row of guns, while over bow and stern loomed two immense cannon of a caliber sufficient to sink the Curlew at a single discharge. Several little flags followed one another up to the cruiser's mastheads. "Get out the code, Mr. Duff," ordered the captain. "He's signaling. What in the mischief can he want?"