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In the present case, the unfortunate little wretch has received a cuff which sends him reeling to this door; and the donor of the blow is immediately the object of general indignation.

As the wine began to work upon the party, the dark fellow, whose grade of sergeant was merely marked by a gold cord on his cuff, and which had hitherto escaped my notice, assumed the leadership, and recounted some stories of his life; which, treating of a service so novel to me in all its details, were sufficiently interesting, though the materials themselves were slight and unimportant.

Moreover, the car sped on unhesitatingly, stopping some two hundred yards ahead. So far as Theydon could tell, no one alighted. He jotted down the number XY 1314 on his shirt cuff. "Did you happen to see that car waiting near the house I came from?" he said to the taxi man, who, of course, provided an interested audience of one. "Yes, sir," was the ready answer. "It's not a London car.

He was in traveling tweeds of pronounced plaid which, however, he carried off without vulgarity. His trousers were rolled high, after the fashion of the day, to show dark red socks of the same color as his tie and of a shade harmonious to the stripe in the pattern of shirt and suit and to the stones in his cuff links.

The Count was trimming his nails with a little knife, and he sped in great anger to the dungeon. 'Traitor, why dost thou not eat? he cried, dealt the boy a cuff, and rushed out again, and so went to his chamber. But the point of the little knife, which was in his hand, had cut a vein in Gaston's neck, and, being weak with hunger and grief, Gaston died, for the vein could not be staunched.

I know nothing and desire to know nothing, not even the formula of that devilish powder of which your shirt cuff bore traces, and which has wrought such terrible havoc." And then as the brothers remained surprised, turning cold with anxiety, in spite of his assurances, he added with a sweeping gesture: "Ah! my friends, I regard such an action as even more useless than criminal!

"What I have to say next," answered Sergeant Cuff, "relates to Rosanna Spearman. I recognised the young woman, as your ladyship may remember, when she brought the washing-book into this room. Up to that time I was inclined to doubt whether Miss Verinder had trusted her secret to any one. When I saw Rosanna, I altered my mind.

The children laid his cuff back in a twinkling, drawing up the coat sleeve. 'But surely I know that, Mother was saying. 'I've heard of her before somewhere. I wonder where? Others were saying the same thing. 'It's not new. 'Impossible, said Daddy, 'for the idea only came to me this morning while I was 'Thinking of something else, Monkey again finished the sentence for him.

"If half the stories I have heard are true, when it comes to unravelling a mystery, there isn't the equal in England of Sergeant Cuff!" We all got excited and impatient as the time drew near for the appearance of this renowned and capable character.

The only ones he knew had always chased the Tumblers and barked at them as they entered or left a village. Sometimes they had snapped at Gigi's heels so viciously that he had cried out. And then Cecco would cuff him for making a fuss. But this dog seemed friendly. He looked up in Gigi's face, and wagged his tail pleasantly.