United States or Germany ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"I don't agree with their premises therefore " Stone smiled cryptically, and left the sentence unfinished and ambiguous, which was his deliberate intention. "We will have coffee in the living-room," said Eunice, as she rose from the table. Always a charming hostess, she was at her best to-night. Her thin black gown was becoming and made her fair throat and arms seem even whiter by contrast.

"A lot," said Burnaby cryptically, and proceeded to apply himself to his salad, for he had refused the courses his lateness had made him miss. "Y'see," he said, after a moment's reflection, "it was this way and it's worth telling, for it's queer. I ran into this Terhune this afternoon at a club a big, blond Englishman who's been in the army, but now he's out making money.

"I have a key," said Hirst cryptically. His chin was still upon his knees and his eyes fixed in front of him. A silence followed. Then Helen rose and bade them good-night. "But," she said, "remember that you've got to come and see us."

"How and when, Bunny, you know as well as I do," said he, cryptically. "And at last you shall hear the honest why and wherefore. I had more reasons for going to Scotland Yard, my dear fellow, than I had the face to tell you at the time." "I don't care why you went there!" I cried. "I want to know why you stayed, or went back, or whatever it was you may have done.

"Just as moral as they ever were, Mrs. Cardigan, but they've got more opportunity." The saying, so cryptically cynical, received a little laugh from Imogen, a slight opening of Jack Cardigan's mouth, and a creak from Soames' chair. Winifred said: "That's too bad, Prosper." "What do you say, Mrs. Forsyde; don't you think human nature's always the same?"

She sighed once more, and added a finishing touch to the portrait of a femme incomprise. "Pray, don't think, mon ami," she said very earnestly, "that I am blaming Rudolph! I suppose no wife can ever hope to have any part in her husband's inner life." "Not in her own husband's, of course," said Charteris, cryptically.

"One hundred thousand," Yank and I chorused. "Is that a plutocrat?" demanded Johnny cryptically. "It is!" we cried. Our sense of our own financial importance being thus refreshed, we advanced in rigid military formation to the bar and took our drinks. Two million dollars was the amount we had chosen as representing the value of Our Interests.

"Why all the sudden concern about my affairs? I feel like going to the Cairo I call up Francois. He dances divinely. I feel like making love I call up Jose...." She shrugged. "So, I say, why the sudden concern? All these years you say nothing. Every minute away from home you're involved in big deals to make money, steal money maybe even eat it." He looked at her cryptically.

"Where to?" the unhappy boy asked, rubbing his eyes. "There's no doubt about inquisitiveness being your besetting sin," Juve replied cryptically. "Well, we've got a quarter of an hour's drive in front of us. But you're not going to prison; I'm going to take you home with me!"

"You will not need money in the desert," he said. "And you haf spent much money here, on the women. You should have safed it." "I was told you would give me money." But the German shook his head. "You viii find money in Mexico City, if you get there," he said, cryptically. And Rudolph found neither threats nor entreaties of any avail. He started out of the town, turning toward the south and west.