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Here, divesting himself quickly of his dinner clothes, he selected a dark tweed suit with loose-fitting, sack coat from his wardrobe, and began to put it on. Dressed, all but his coat and vest, he turned to the leather bundle that he had placed on a table, untied the thongs, and carefully opened it out to its full length and again that curious, cryptic smile tinged his lips.

"You're a day too previous in your calculation," he said. "This isn't the eighteenth, but the seventeenth, madame." "Well, how funny!" Elinor cried. "Now I wonder how Aunt Carrie is! I shall have to tell Ted the year isn't up, after all." To Anstey that was rather a cryptic utterance, but he asked for no explanation.

'Father, I love him. He released her wrist, and stared at her in the uncertain light. 'You love him! 'Yes. 'Then what ? Why? Well, I never did understand women, he said at last, and stumped off down the passage. While this cryptic conversation was in progress, Agravaine, his worst apprehensions realized, was trying to batter down the door.

"I rejoice that, being of French extraction, and unconversant with your somewhat cryptic patois, the lady in question is the less likely to have been sickened by your extravagances in the way of misapprehension. I candidly confess such imbecility annoys me. What!" he cried out, "what if I marry! is matrimony to be ranked with arson?

They had gotten off one bus to wait along the road for another which, he assumed, would take them to other hamlets or rural scatterings possibly more remote than this assumed, for what did he know waiting perennially, or seemingly so as he was, and shaking his head from time to time to keep himself on top of the internal waves and not be overtaken, not be absorbed by them- waves which came upon him voraciously like inundating tongues, polysemous tsunamis of a muted, mutating language cryptic to him, not of volition and thus adventitious in a sense, but still of his own making.

You can put a fish in water but you cannot make him swim. That's me and hotel life." At this somewhat cryptic apothegm Mr. Latz's knee touched Mrs. Samstag's, so that he sprang back full of nerves at what he had not intended. "Marry me, Carrie," he said more abruptly than he might have, without the act of that knee to immediately justify. She spread the lace out on her lap.

He ended abruptly, with the gesture of paying out money between his finger and thumb. Then he sadly shook his head. I sought for more light on this cryptic utterance; in vain. What were the facts, I persisted?

Had he not, in his introductions, spoken of "my brethren, the Smiths," a phrase then cryptic and only to be explained by revealing his sworn brotherhood with Ambrose Smith, the Jasper Petulengro of later books?

Soames and Fran knew directly, and some few security officers guessed, that Fran had caused the short. There was melted-down, cryptic metal below the place where the short appeared. Fran had undoubtedly placed it. How he escaped electrocution the security officers did not try to figure out.

And while these painful thoughts, these half-formed questions and answers, weave in and out through Senator Burton's brain, there suddenly falls a loud grinding sound on his ears, and a motor-car sweeps into view. Now, at last, Daisy Burton understands the butler's cryptic remark! Here, in front of the house, escape from visitors is, of course, impossible.