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One or two of them gave a cry of terror since all of them had thought that the praefect was dead, and this tall, dark presence, wrapped in a long cloak and with tawny hair still dripping from the rain, looked very like an apparition from another world. "The Cæsar?" queried the praefect curtly. Some of the men struggled to their feet.

I must, however, not dwell upon this topic, but whatever leads to a diminution in the labor applied to the land lessens the production of food, and DEAR MEAT may only be the supplement to CHEAP CORN. I shall probably be met with the hackneyed cry, The question is entirely one of price.

"Oh, yes," was the reply, "But I suppose you were forced into it." "I wasn't forced into it," Elizabeth replied. "Indeed, I was glad to go. It was like a little picnic out there under the tree " "With two crying babies?" "They did not cry after we went out. And the woman whom you laugh at was very agreeable. The wait did not seem at all long. It was rather like a pleasant party."

"Ah! it is a goddess, Mademoiselle, that has deigned to enter the cell where where I amuse myself. It is droll, is it not? I came here to make what you call the experiment of your father's fabric. I make myself ha! ha! like a workman. Ah, bah! the heat, the darkness, the plebeian motion make my head to go round. I stagger, I faint, I cry out, I fall. But what of that? The great God hears my cry and sends me an angel. Voil

And one night Commodore Waugh, after eating a good, hearty supper, was comfortably tucked up in bed, and went into a sound, deep sleep from which he never more awoke. May he rest in peace. But do you think Mrs. Waugh did not cry about it for two weeks, and ever after speak of him as the poor, dear commodore?

Berry's nice little dinner. To be alone, that she might cry and ease her heart of its accusing weight of tears, was all she prayed for. Kind Mrs. Berry, slipping into her bedroom to take off her things, found the fair body in a fevered shudder, and finished by undressing her completely and putting her to bed.

Spare her!" Martha interrupted. "I have, Martha, God bless you for the words! and I will; it would be the worst wickedness not to be patient, now! But I have not yet told you" A loud halloo rang through the dusk. "It is Mark's voice," said Martha; "answer him!" Gilbert shouted, and a double cry instantly replied.

The religious men and women ceased not to cry to him, and beg of him, by all the saints of heaven, to deliver the castle, and spare both his and their own lives; but nothing could prevail with his obstinacy and fierceness.

His fate excited the deepest indignation throughout the country; it was commented on in words of fire by the national writers of the period, and through many an after year the watchword and rallying cry of the United Irishmen was

Take a cress sandwich, and don't cry over it, I beseech you! If there is one thing more objectionable than another, it is wet salad. Tell me all about home, and every one in it. Are they looking forward to my advent, and is cook remembering my favourite puddings?