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Something without held his attention, a crunching sound as of a foot on a pebble. It abruptly revived misgivings that had assailed him before entering the place, that he had felt as a vague weight while dealing with the fellow. The police agent!

There seemed to be an unnatural stillness everywhere, amid which the crunching of the dry snow sounded with a distinctness that almost frightened the boy, who was simply going to his uncle Robert's to spend a day or two.

She saw me come and began to shriek also, and presently a most terrible noise arose outside. All the spotted dogs were in the house, baying and barking, and everybody was yelling. Then for a minute the dogs stopped their clamour, and I heard a great clatter of things breaking and of teeth crunching and of the Red-faced Man shouting "Those cursed brutes are eating the hunt lunch.

There was but little opportunity to interrogate him through the morning hours: the flow of coal through the chutes was too rapid and constant, and the grinding and crunching of the rollers, and the rumbling and hammering of the machinery, were too loud and incessant. Ralph worked very diligently too; he was in the mood for work. He was glad to be at home again and able to work.

So moved was she by the charm that, Puritan as she was, she found herself involuntarily saying: "Oh, Mrs. Upton, what beautiful hair you have." "It is nice, isn't it?" said Valerie, looking more than ever like a child, a pleased child; "I love my hair." Mary had taken one braid and was crunching it softly, like spun silk, in her hand.

Soames walked out of the garden door, crossed the lawn, stood on the path above the river, turned round and walked back to the garden door, without having realised that he had moved. The sound of wheels crunching the drive convinced him that time had passed, and the doctor gone. What, exactly, had he said? "This is the position, Mr. Forsyte.

In one hurried glance, as I passed a corner, I could see the fearful crunching and hear the crackling of the houses in its fearful grasp. I then could see that there was no possibility of our escape, as we were too far away from the hillside. In a few moments it was upon us.

Then the tension relaxed a little and she cast another look about her, without seeing anything, after which she pushed the door open and stepped out upon the crunching snow. Hugo rose at once, albeit somewhat stiffly, and spoke to the dog who stood up, with head turned to watch the proceedings. "I don't think I'd better take the trunk on this trip," he explained.

Then slowly, dim, spectre-like shapes would appear which would gradually sort themselves out into two lots, black and white these were Titus's ponies the white shapes, the black were the men leading them. On they came, seemingly at a great pace, and one heard a crunching noise as the hoofs of the ponies trod down the snow crust, but one could not hear the footfalls of the men.

A crunching of snow and ice was now plainly to be heard. The party ran for shelter behind a series of ice humps and waited. Suddenly a man clad in furs dashed by them, running at top speed. "Father!" At that strange cry the man stopped as though shot. "Who calls?" he asked, but instead of replying, Bob rushed from his hiding place. "My son! What does this mean? How came you here?"