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To be well in chambers is melancholy, and lonely and selfish enough; but to be ill in chambers to pass long nights of pain and watchfulness to long for the morning and the laundress to serve yourself your own medicine by your own watch to have no other companion for long hours but your own sickening fancies and fevered thoughts: no kind hand to give you drink if you are thirsty, or to smooth the hot pillow that crumples under you, this, indeed, is a fate so dismal and tragic, that we shall not enlarge upon its horrors, and shall only heartily pity those bachelors in the Temple, who brave it every day.

Katya straightens her hair, puts on her hat, then crumples up the letters and stuffs them in her bag and all this deliberately, in silence. Her face, her bosom, and her gloves are wet with tears, but her expression now is cold and forbidding.... I look at her, and feel ashamed that I am happier than she.

After the operation she at once crumples up the piece of paper, rolls it into a ball, and throws it out of the window with disgust. The very smartest people in Japan blow their noses in this manner. September 2d. Fate has favored us with a friendship as strange as it is rare: that of the head bonzes of the temple of the jumping Tortoise, where we witnessed last month such a surprising pilgrimage.

After the operation she at once crumples up the piece of paper, rolls it into a ball, and throws it out of the window with disgust. The very smartest people in Japan blow their noses in this manner. September 2d. Fate has favored us with a friendship as strange as it is rare: that of the head bonzes of the temple of the jumping Tortoise, where we witnessed last month such a surprising pilgrimage.

Jeffrey, and, winding her arms around her grandmother's neck, crumples her rich lace ruffle with a most unladylike hug, and then bounds away to the stables, pretending not to hear the distressed Mrs. Jeffrey calling after her not to run, "it is so Yankeefied and vulgar"; or if she did hear, answering back, "I am a Yankee, native born, and shall run for all Johnny Bull!"

"Now the fox has that special springy movement I speak of, and he puts his foot down flat, he bends the grass rather to him, than from him, if anything, but most commonly crumples it flat; but you never see it inclinin' in the line of the course he is runnin' never. Fact is, they never get a hoist, and that is a very curious word, it has a very different meanin' at sea from what it has on land.

'Lord! said an old fellow, with a rich chuckle. 'She's a educatin' of us! and partly that the bravest man is afraid of ridicule. Oh, yes, we've heard a great deal all our lives about the timidity and the sensitiveness of women. And it's true we are sensitive. But I tell you, ridicule crumples a man up. It steels a woman. We've come to know the value of ridicule.

It's no time to quit till you're eighty in such a good old state as Kansas," Leigh asserted. "Only, big as he is, he's not a real strong man, and crumples down where small nervy men stand up." "Well, lady landlord, how can I advise you? You are past advising. You have already bought," Thaine said. "You can tell me how to pay for the ranch," Leigh declared calmly.

The smaller children, by this time, were wildly excited, and ready to offer up all their possessions. "You may have my Crumples," screamed Zaidee, making a dive for a little white china cat that lay near by with a pile of other playthings that the children had been playing with.

Water is non-compressible like steel. Now when the T. N. T. explodes, even some distance away, the violent expending concussion is communicated to this hollow shell just as though a battering ram struck it. The submarine can't give any because the surrounding water holds her in place. So she crumples up like this."