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There was, however, a queer smell of singed hair. Then he saw an odd-looking crumpled mass clinging to the front of the big dynamo, and, approaching, recognised the distorted remains of Holroyd. The man stared and hesitated a moment. Then he saw the face, and shut his eyes convulsively.

'The Bishop of Winchester claims thy service. Serve him as thou wilt. 'I would serve my mistress in serving him, Katharine said. 'He is a man I love little. Mary pulled suddenly from her bodice a piece of crumpled parchment that had been torn across. She thrust it into Katharine's free hand. 'Such letters I have had written me by my father's men, she said.

Forces not of her making had cut and patterned her life; and she, driven on by feelings which she herself had hardly understood, had crumpled up that pattern and seized the shears of destiny in her own hand. The groove she had been set and clamped so fast into ran straight as a string into Hugo Canning's arms; but she had broken out of her groove, and Hugo was gone, to cross her path no more.

The stiffened hand moving forward in a sudden surge, all the weight and energy of his body concentrated in his joined fingertips. Plunging deep into the other's flesh. Killing, not by accident or in sudden anger. Killing because this was the only way the battle could possibly end. Like a ruined tower of flesh, the Disan crumpled and fell.

The young man's arm fell, and he stared, open-mouthed and aghast, the passion with which he had seized the stranger whelmed in astonishment. The Syndic, on the other hand, behaved with a strange composure. Breathing rather quickly, but vouchsafing no word of explanation, he straightened the crumpled linen about his neck, and set right his coat.

Her arms crept up to his neck, and in a little voice trembling with eagerness she said, "Roger, my bundle is ready. I prepared it last night and it is under the bed." He held her more closely. "And you are willing to go with me anywhere?" "Yes, anywhere." "To the end of the earth?" Her crumpled head nodded against his breast. "And leave Father John?" "Yes, for you.

As they drove along the Galleria di Sotto, Manisty seemed to be preoccupied. The carriage had interrupted him in the midst of reading a long letter which he still held crumpled in his hand. At last he said abruptly to Eleanor 'Benecke's last chance is up. He is summoned to submit next week at latest. 'He tells you so? 'Yes. He writes me a heart-broken letter. 'Poor, poor fellow!

Doggie took one from the crumpled paper packet which was handed to him, and lit it. He made a wry face, never before having smoked American tobacco. "How do you like the flavour?" asked Phineas. "I think I'd prefer the elephants' house," said Doggie, eyeing the thing with disgust. "You'll find it the flavour of the whole British Army," said McPhail.

He crumpled up the telegram and threw it away, and then sprang up to rejoin Mabel, whose fears vanished as she met his radiant look. 'I hope I didn't frighten you, darling, he said. 'It was a business telegram, about which I was getting anxious. I was really afraid to read it for a time; but it's all right, it's good news, Mabel. You don't know what a relief it is to me! And now what shall we do?

Their front crumpled like paper, and the fifty Ghazis passed on; their backers, now drunk with success, fighting as madly as they. Then the rear-ranks were bidden to close up, and the subalterns dashed into the stew alone. For the rear-rank had heard the clamor in front, the yells and the howls of pain, and had seen the dark stale blood that makes afraid. They were not going to stay.