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When Dominique was carrying His Imperial Majesty's mails to some remote stations southward, or had gone to an Arab fair to buy cattle, Napoleon catered for us and cooked for us, and did both admirably. Both master and servant spiced their dishes plentifully with that mother-wit, never seen in such perfection as in crude colonies where people without it would fare so ill.

In all our first plays female parts were taken by boy actors, who evidently were more distressing than the crude scenery, for contemporary literature has many satirical references to their acting, and even the tolerant Shakespeare writes: Some squeaking Cleopatra boy my greatness.

We will have to depend on our eyes for especial distinction, and as Benny would say, 'I see our finish! At any rate, since we can't get any more mail from the woods, I guess it's a good idea to go out there and explore again. Perhaps we'll discover the secret of the stone man. Don't you remember, our history tells us the first records were made in crude carvings on stone?

This work lasted all day, but everybody enjoyed it. The dexterity and cleanliness with which the carcases are divided is astonishing, and is quite a contrast to the crude way in which native meals are usually dressed and devoured. We whites received a large and very fat slice as a present, which we preferred to pass on, unnoticed, to our boys. Fat is considered the best part of the pig.

Your ideas regarding people and things, in that grand republic are very crude and incorrect. But how do you like the face that I have shown you?" "The face is well enough," Lady Linton was forced to admit. There is nothing weak about it?" "N-o." "It is not lacking in intelligence or character?" "Not so far as I am able to judge from a simple picture", the woman confessed, rather reluctantly.

It might have come out of an Aztec mind, rather childish in expression, and seeking for beauty in an elemental way. I can imagine Aztecs living up there in a barbaric fashion, their houses piled, one above another, like our uncivilized apartment houses." In studying the Tower of Jewels in detail, we decided that it was not really so crude as it seemed on first sight.

If we think of that first faintly conscious existence as a mass of crude matter, then the self and its body will appear to be distinctly separated in reality. But if we think of that body as a manifest of etheric vibrations in which life-vibrations also obtained, there is nothing to forbid our saying that consciousness was equally a product of such vibrations.

Only a little time before, I had seen it almost empty, except for that crude boat of the crowd; the Internationale, with its songs of brotherhood and of a world where wars should cease. Now I saw it jammed with ships from whose masts flew every flag on the seas, and from the men who came ashore I heard of how they had been chased, some fired upon, by battleships I heard of war upon the seas.

"That there have been such improvements and changes here in so few years?" "You bet!" exclaimed Pratt, with emphasis. "Well re'lly it's quite wonderful," admitted Sue, slowly. "I had no idea it was like that!" "So you think better of our 'crude civilization, do you?" laughed one of her girl friends. "Why why, it is quite surprising," said Sue, again, and still quite breathless.

The personal baggage of the newly arrived had been assembled just without the cabin door and Miller and a couple of the crew were beginning to carry in balsam boughs, on which, in their blankets, the colonel and his friends were to pass the night. No attempt was made, further than Miller's crude efforts, to make the inside of the cabin more inviting.