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There had come a lighting of the somber eyes. "My dear fellow, if you, by the grace of God, have it in you to write, what I believe won't have anything to do with it. You will crucify yourself for the sake of a line starve for the love of a rhythm."

Harding had had an argument, in which Thyrsis had remarked casually that modern civilization was "crucifying Jesus all over again." And when Mr. Harding asked for enlightenment, Thyrsis answered, "My dear man, we crucify him according to the constitution. We teach the profession of crucifying him. We invest our capital in the business of crucifying him.

Alas! Alas! By Allah, but that I fear God the Most High, I would put him to death and crucify him before his shop! 'What is in the letter, asked the old woman, 'to trouble thy heart and move thine anger thus? Doth it contain a complaint of oppression or demand for the price of the stuff? 'Out on thee! answered the princess. 'There is none of this in it, nought but words of love and gallantry.

I saw Emmanuel when he possest His town of Mansoul, and how greatly blest A town, his gallant town of Mansoul was, When she received his pardon, lived his laws! When the Diabolonians were caught, When tried, and when to execution brought, Then I was there; yea, I was standing by When Mansoul did the rebels crucify.

So Pilate said to the crowd, 'Shall I let Jesus go? Then the priests told the people what to say, and they shouted, 'Not this man, but Barabbas. Pilate wanted very much to let Jesus go, and he said, 'What shall I do then with Jesus? The crowd shouted, 'Let Him be crucified! Crucify Him! Crucify Him! 'Why, said Pilate, 'what has He done wrong? He does not deserve to die.

The lock of hair was found upon him, and was held up in sight of the multitude. "Kill him!" "Burn him!" "Crucify him!" "It moves! it moves!" cried another division of the crowd. All eyes were bent on the hitherto stationary luminary. It was moving no, it wasn't; yes, it certainly was. Dared men believe that their shadows were actually lengthening?

"He has already been seized as an inciter to insurrection, because he bade his disciples to sell their garments and buy a sword." "Have they found them with weapons?" "They have found two swords." "Then he is already condemned." Then they heard a cry rise from the crowd before the Court of Justice at first difficult to distinguish, but ever clearer. The people were crying "Crucify! Crucify!"

And so we may combine these two in this statement: If any man is going to build a Christlike life he will have to detach himself from surrounding things and dear ones, and to crucify self by suppression of the lower nature and the endurance of evils.

The more incapable we are of thorough investigations, the wider and deeper are the subjects upon which we busy ourselves, and still more strange, the more bigoted do we become in our conclusions about them; and yet it is not strange, for he who by painful processes has found yes and no alternate for so long that he is not sure which is final, is the last man in the world, if he for the present is resting in yes, to crucify another who can get no further than no.

And you can spurn it, spit on it, crucify it, and it is still there when you need, Julie." And Peter leaned forward, and buried his face in her little hand. Julie heard him through, and it was well that before the end he did not see her eyes. "Dear old Peter," she said tenderly, "how he thinks things! And when you saw this this love, Peter, how did you feel?"