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"I should like it very much," said Carrie, visions of a ride with Durward crossing her mind. "And I too," said 'Lena, laying her hand on John Jr.'s shoulder, as if he would of course be her escort. Carrie's ill-nature had not all vanished, and now, in a slightly insolent tone, she said, "How do you know you are included?"

"Don't you talk like that, dearie!" Ernestine said, getting up impulsively and with her heavy tread crossing the room. She took Milly in her strong arms and held her tight. "Don't ever say those things again!" she murmured in an uncertain voice, hugging the yielding figure to her.

John Hammond." "Mrs. John Hammond!" He gave a long sigh of content and leaned back, crossing his arms. The strain was over. He felt he could have sat there for ever sighing his relief the relief at being rid of that horrible tug, pull, grip on his heart. The danger was over. That was the feeling. They were on dry land again. But at that moment Janey's head came round the corner.

He found himself at the drawing-room window that looked into the little garden at the front of the house, and tapping at the window-pane. He remembered, all on a sudden it was like waking how strange was such a summons. A little after he saw a light crossing the hall, and he rang the door-bell. John Tracy opened the door. Yes, it was all true.

The echoing cries of the dogs through the silent woods were musical. Soon they sounded sharp and clear the hounds were crossing an open stretch leading down to the meadow behind me.

After crossing a portage of five hundred and ninety-five paces, a small lake and another portage of two thousand paces, which occupied the crews seven hours, we embarked on a small stream running towards the north-west which carried us to the lake where Akaitcho proposed that we should pass the winter.

I put it on the seat beside me while crossing the ferry, and then took up a magazine article I was much interested in, and when I rose to leave the boat the package was gone. I hadn't been conscious that any one was near enough to take it, but there was a crowd on the boat, and my package disappeared; naturally, I didn't mention it to my friends."

"Then" suddenly straightening herself, drawing down the corners of her mouth, crossing her eyes, and assuming the air of a would-be prude "the prospective infraction of law and order would have to be decorously stated something like this: ahem!

Suddenly he heard the quick trot of a horse, and guessing that the bishop was returning, he stood aside in the shadow of the trees to let his superior pass by. Like the chaplain, Dr Pendle was streaming with water, and his horse's hoofs plashed up the sodden ground as though he were crossing a marsh.

"Yes," said Ste. Marie, "it is hard for her for all the family, of course. A bad business, as you say." He spoke absently, for he was looking ahead at something which seemed to be a motor accident. They had by this time got well up the Champs-Elysées and were crossing the Rond Point.