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I have several parishioners along the river bank." "Why the devil is he talking like this and looking like this?" Hartley asked himself, impatiently. "I'm not a cross-examining counsel," he said, with some sharpness. "As I told you before, Heath, it is only a very small matter." The Rev. Francis Heath gripped the back of his chair and a slight flush mounted to his face.

The next twenty minutes were spent in cross-examining the hotel porter as to the time it would take to drive to her destination, and, having decided to start at ten minutes to twelve, in wondering whether the quarter of an hour which had still to elapse would ever come to an end. At three minutes to twelve she rang the bell of the office of Messrs. Findlay & Ince.

This declaration, so taken, was to be regarded as if taken on oath, face to face with your accuser; and, although you had not the opportunity of being present at it, and of cross-examining the dying man, yet by law it was receivable against you." In vol. ii. p 380, Captain Grey says:

I turned and looked at Jervaise and found him facing me with the full light of the moon on his face. He was frowning, not with the domineering scowl of the cross-examining counsel, but with a perplexed, inquiring frown that revealed all the boy in him. Once at Oakstone he had got into a serious scrape that had begun in bravado and ended by a public thrashing.

Then, finding himself at leisure, he proceeded to satisfy his curiosity by cross-examining his young passenger. "Do you come from the East?" he asked. "I am last from Chicago," answered Frank, cautiously. "I suppose you've got some friend in Jackson?" ventured the farmer, interrogatively. Frank smiled. "You are the only man living in Jackson that I ever met," he said.

"A woman I spoke to cross-examining her, like who was positive she had seen him, said, 'Just a tall, thin shadow that's what he was, a tall, thin shadow of a man with a bag." "With a bag?" repeated Mrs. Bunting absently. "How very strange and peculiar " "Why, no, not strange at all. He has to carry the thing he does the deed with in something, Mrs. Bunting. We've always wondered how he hid it.

At last, everybody was dressed, including Nicholas, who had come home to fetch them, and they went away in a coach sent by the brothers for the purpose: Mrs Nickleby wondering very much what they would have for dinner, and cross-examining Nicholas as to the extent of his discoveries in the morning; whether he had smelt anything cooking at all like turtle, and if not, what he had smelt; and diversifying the conversation with reminiscences of dinners to which she had gone some twenty years ago, concerning which she particularised not only the dishes but the guests, in whom her hearers did not feel a very absorbing interest, as not one of them had ever chanced to hear their names before.

After summoning witnesses, and cross-examining them and studying the strange creature, their verdict was that it could be nothing less than a Hersen Schim, that is, a spectre of the brain. They meant by this that there was no such animal. However, a man from Delft, who followed the business of a knickerbocker, or baker of knickers, or clay marles, begged the body of the Oni.

"Roight you are; that's what it is. Now who chaws tobaccie in this stable?" he demanded of Carter, with the air of a cross-examining counsel. "I don't." "Does Finn?" "No; I don't think so." "Didn't Shandy always have a gob of it in his cheek the dirty pig?" "Yes, he did, Mike." "I t'ought so; I t'ought it was that blackguard. But how did the swine get in here?

"He did say he wasn't, but I guess his folks made him. He wanted to branch out for himself and be a lawyer, I believe. He sure would be great on cross-examining witnesses with the way he asks questions," finished Morse with a laugh. A small lad was approaching the two friends on the run, and, as he neared them, he called out: "Hello, Morse! Say, Tom Fairfield, when did you get in?