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One regarding them, a stranger to their intent, might think they meant slaughtering either the mules or the men on their backs. They have no such thought, but a design altogether different, as declared by Wilder's words the last spoken by him before the act of execution. "When I gie the signal, Nat, prod yur critter sharp, an' sweep the support from unner them.

And we can't very well kill the critter, can we?" "Of course not; but it may cause us sore trouble if " Just then the young Aztec rallied sufficiently to move, drawing a step nearer the brothers, right hand coming out in greeting, while left palm was pressed close above his heart. And still greater marvel! "Much obliged me, you, brother!"

"When it's time for the critter to come off the nest you'll see what's been hatched same as the rest of us. How'd you like that Mrs. Wyeth? Had a pretty sharp edge on her tongue, didn't she?" Mary-'Gusta considered. "Yes," she answered; "she was outspoken and blunt, of course. But she is a lady a real lady, I think and I'm sure I should like her very much when I knew her better.

"Yes, consarn that pesky critter with the finest horse I ever set eyes on, and while he's alive ther'll be no peace along the border." "That's right," agreed Pete. "He's a natural born trouble-maker. But I guess so far as we are concerned we are through with him." But Coyote Pete, accurate as were his usual judgments, was wrong in this.

The report was followed by a furious growl, and the next moment, when I expected to find the tarnal critter struggling with death, I beheld him shaking his head, as if nothing more than a bee had stung him. The ball had struck him on the forehead and glanced off, doing no other injury than stunning him for an instant, and tearing off the skin, which tended to infuriate him the more.

Well, our cake is dough, and we might as well acknowledge ourselves beaten." "Oh! why didn't we fetch our gun along, Jack?" sighed Steve, looking angrily toward the spot from whence the warning snarls had volleyed at them. "I'd give every cent in my savings bank for the chance to knock that critter over. What use are pesky wildcats anyway? They live on game birds and rabbits most always.

He'd a kind o' roar and struggle, and maybe swamp the biggest raft we could make to fetch him. But couldn't we starve him into submission? Or, if we gave him plenty of clams, couldn't we keep him quiet? Or couldn't we give the critter Rum? I guess he don't know nothin' of ardent sperets and obfusticate his wits and get him reglar boozy couldn't we do any thing we chose to, then?

Be guided by me, and see if my plan don't succeed better than yours." "Well," answered Zebedee, "I guess, arter all, Jackie, you may be right. You've seen the big varmint, and feel a kind of o' acquainted with him, so you see I won't insist on my plan, if you've any better. Now, what I want to know is, what's your idee of comin' it over the critter?"

Toley, "'tis strange to meet a grab so far out at sea. We'll run down to it." "What is a grab?" asked Desmond of Bulger, when the news had circulated through the ship's company. "Why, that's a grab, sure enough. I en't a good hand at pictur' paintin'; we're runnin' square for the critter, and then you'll see for yourself.

When the whale was grappled onto the bark's side and the line unwound, we found that it still hung down into the sea and was quite taut. "This blamed critter was anchored!" growled Tom Anderly. "And he dragged his anchor at that." "Get onto the winch, boys," said Captain Rogers. "Let's see what's hung to it now." We wound in the line and up came the whale that we had actually struck!