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"If the papers get hold of this affair, and state that our president our biggest owner the man who controls the Continental stock is a common thief, the story will eh eh put a bad crimp in our business, so to speak." Uncle John looked at the man thoughtfully. "So Jones controls the Continental, eh?" he said. "How long since, Mr. Goldstein?" "Why, since the January meeting, a year and more ago.

"We'd just come ashore had a rough passage and, says I to myself, here's lay up ashore awhile. So I gets a crimp, who takes me to a crib. 'It's all right here you'll have snug quarters, Jack, says he, introducing me to the chap who kept it. I gives him twenty dollars on stack, and gets up my chest and hammock, thinking it was all fair and square.

He is compelled to submit to those which were made to govern the worst slaves! And why is he subjected to that injustice which gives him no voice in his own behalf when the most depraved whites are his accusers? Can it be the little crimp that is in his hair? for he has a fairer skin than those who make laws to oppress him.

Of the three newly shipped men, who in a state of intoxication had been brought on board at the dock gates, two were able to be engaged at their duties, in four or five hours after quitting the pier. But the third man yet lay in his bunk, in the self-same posture in which his limbs had been adjusted by the crimp, who had deposited him there.

When he whistled three times, he said, any intelligent man would know that there was danger around. "Well, sir, I put the Old Missouri River to bed that night, and he'd flattened out to a very small streamlet indeed, while the locomotive went lame before supper, and had to be put in the round-house by a couple of pushers. That's the way with fine ideas. Cold facts comes and puts a crimp in them.

Gibney affably, "but I wouldn't a-had you no more now than I would when we was runnin' in the green-pea trade. It's because you ain't got no imagination, and the Maggie ain't big enough for my purpose. Havin' the Maggie sort of puts a crimp in my plans." "Rot," snapped Captain Scraggs. "I've had the Maggie overhauled and shipped a new wheel, and she's a mighty smart little boat, I'll tell you.

Admiralty Records 1. 1513 Capt. Men seduced by means of crimpage bounty were said to be "silver cooped," and the art of silver cooping was not only practised at home, it was world-wide. In whatever waters a British man-o'-war cast anchor, there the crimp appeared, plying his crafty trade.

Come then, all ye citizens, and join our stern Verein: We're the ones that put the crimp in whiskey, beer and wine; Booze is gone and soon we'll make tobacco fall in line, And then we'll tackle the planets. Chorus: Hurrah! Hurrah! We're anti-everything Hurrah! Hurrah! An end to joy we sing: Come let's make life doleful and then death will lose its sting, Happiness is only a habit!

That was our chance to put a crimp in the whole gang, and now I suppose they'll be after blowing things up worse than ever." "But we didn't do it on purpose," protested Bob meekly. "I know yez didn't," said the sergeant. "If I had only been there! I can tell yez that if ever I get my hands on one of them fellers he'll never get away." "It's too bad," exclaimed Mr. Cook.

He followed the captain down, and then explained to him that I was among the pressed men but as a means of obtaining plenty more men, I had remained among them, and had not made myself known, for fear my trick should get wind; also that I thought the crimp should be kept on board, although he was of no use as a seaman. "Mr Keene has behaved very prudently," replied Captain Delmar.