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There the old stone cross was raised by the monks long ago; now worn and mutilated, no one esteemed it as a holy symbol, but only as the Butter Cross, where market-women clustered on Wednesday, and whence the town crier made all his proclamations of household sales, things lost or found, beginning with 'Oh! yes, oh! yes, oh! yes! and ending with 'God bless the king and the lord of this manor, and a very brisk 'Amen, before he went on his way and took off the livery-coat, the colours of which marked him as a servant of the Burnabys, the family who held manorial rights over Monkshaven.

"The pardon is binding," said one; "if it were otherwise it were the hardest case that could be for half the people of England." "Yet the King came back without conditions," replied the other. There was a general bustle in the court. The crier proclaimed silence. "The prisoner stands remanded for one week." Then Ralph was removed from the bar.

But I forbid' he struggled up in bed, sallow and sinister 'I flatly forbid, please understand, any other interference till then. Afterwards you must do exactly as you please. Send round the Town Crier! But till then, silence! Sheila with raised head confronted him. 'This, then, is your gratitude. So be it. Silence, no doubt! Until it's too late to take action.

I knew Brunow well enough to know that if there were any truth in the story, it would be told in the strictest confidence until it was property as common as the news of the town crier.

So nobody gives me my age; but I am five good years older than you, only you needn't go and tell the town crier." "Well, Eve?" "Well, then, put all these together, and now, why not come to me for friendly advice and the voice of reason?" "Reason! reason! there are other lights besides reason." "Jack-o'-lantern, eh? and Will-o'-the-wisp." "Eve, nobody can advise me that can't feel for me.

"First, sir," pursued the crier, presenting the ivory tube to the prince, "observe, that this tube is furnished with a glass at both ends; by looking through one of them, you will see whatever object you wish to behold."

And the tall, dark-complexioned female clerk, with eyes shining calmly in her face, which had been slightly reddened by the cold, sat on her high wooden chair, quietly writing, apparently unruffled by the continuous rattle which came from the hunchback below her. "That fellow Logre is wonderful," muttered Monsieur Verlaque with a smile. "He is the best crier in the markets.

After the dinner, an imposing personage, called the Common Crier, strode into the middle of the hall, and solemnly cried out: "The Right Honorable the Lord Mayor gives the health of our Most Gracious Sovereign, Queen Victoria!" This, of course, was drunk with all the honors, and extra shouts that made the old hall ring.

The town- crier, in his blue coat with red facings, crossed the Square, carrying his big bell by the tongue. There was the same shocking hole in one of Mrs. Such matters it was that Sophia noticed with dull, smarting eyes. "Sophia, you'll take your death of cold standing there like that!" She jumped. The voice was her mother's.

There was no cessation of this cry behind the canopy, where there was always a crier whose duty it was to accord no respite to the slow clemency of Heaven. At times a thick voice full of anguish, and at others a shrill and piercing voice, would arise. The Father's, which was an imperious one, was now at last breaking through sheer emotion. "Lord Jesus, heal our sick! Lord Jesus, heal our sick!"