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"What do you think of that, Watson?" cried Holmes in high glee, rubbing his hands together with satisfaction. "Don't you think that is an admirable sentiment?" Dr. Mortimer looked at Holmes with an air of professional interest, and Sir Henry Baskerville turned a pair of puzzled dark eyes upon me.

Then with a pathos all the more intense because of her ignorance of the true situation she fighting on alone, unconscious that the man she loved not only knew every pulsation of her aching heart, but would be as willing as herself to guard its secret, she cried: "Yes, at any cost she must be saved from this living death!

If we shared two carriages between us, it would make all the difference, and it seems foolish-like to be in a neighbourhood and not see what there is to be seen. You can get carriages from Rew, they tell me, if you order them a day or two before." To the amazement of the company, it was George Elgood of all others who hastened to second the proposal. "A capital idea!" he cried.

"You silly child! don't you know I am almost old enough to be...?" "I know I know! but what is that to me? Hasn't your br... well, never mind who, some of 'em-told me stories against you, and didn't they show me the Family Bible, where all your names are down, and the dates of your birth?" "The cowards! Who did that?" cried out Lady Maria. "Dear Harry, tell me who did that?

He surveyed me from head to foot with a good medical stare, and then wrung my hand in return with extraordinary warmth and effusion. I could see at once he retained a most pleasing recollection of my First State, and was really glad to see me. "What, you remember me then, Una!" he cried, with quite fatherly delight.

"That's Old Bones all over. He's as cool as one of his dry mummies. Why, my news is enough to make any fellow with a heart jump out of his skin!" "Sit still, Bob," said the professor quietly; "the boy has made a discovery." "Yes, a discovery," cried the newcomer "a discovery!" and he brought his hand down so heavily upon the dining table that the glasses jumped.

Thus is the nimbleness of women's wit measured once and for all. They need two seconds if they are to do the thing comfortably. "Never to have telled me, and you behaved so grandly!" she cried, with adoring glances that were as a carpet on which he strode pompously into the house. "It wasna me that did it; it was him," said Corp, and even then he feared that he had told too much.

Serge looked hard at Herzog. "What is there to prove," replied he, "that this speculation, which brings ruin and loss to me, does not enrich you?" "Ungrateful fellow!" observed the financier, ironically, "you suspect me!" "Of having robbed me!" cried Serge, in a rage. "Why not?" Herzog, for a moment, lost his temper and turned red in the face.

At first they could hardly believe their eyes. There, right before them, the sea was bubbling as if it was an immense tea kettle. Steam formed on the glass, and big clouds of vapor could be seen. The atmosphere of the cabin became almost unbearable. "We are in the midst of a boiling hot ocean!" cried the professor. "Are we sailing through hot water?" asked Andy.

At the same instant Donald gave vent to a loud exclamation and his rifle cracked. "Hold on," he cried as he arose from the ground, "as you value your life, don't lose your hold." "What is it?" asked the others in one voice. "Snakes! Dozens of them," replied Donald. "Climb up, Strong, as fast as you can." "All right," came a feeble reply, followed almost immediately by a louder call of "Help!"