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The hens were happily engaged in scratching the earth for their breakfast; the rooster, no longer crestfallen, was strutting in the sunshine, while next to the barn several grunting, squealing pigs struggled for supremacy in the trough. From the cow-shed came an occasional low and soon a slip-shod maid, yawning mightily, appeared, pail in hand, and moved across the yard to her early morning task.

"My costume!" said Dorothy Graham, jumping up from the breakfast-table. "You need not smash all the china!" observed Dick. "The parcels post never comes so early," murmured Dorothy's mother. "How impulsive that child is!" In a few minutes Dorothy came back with a crestfallen air and laid a brown, uninteresting-looking envelope by her mother's plate.

I don't know how you come by so much wealth; but in view of several things which occurred last night I should not be crazy, were I you, to have to make a true income tax return. Somehow I have faith in you; but I doubt if any minion of the law would be similarly impressed." The Oskaloosa Kid appeared hurt and crestfallen. Giova shot a suspicious glance at him.

The little boy thought this performance very funny, and he laughed heartily. But Fido looked crestfallen. Oh, what play and happiness they had that day; how the green grass kissed their feet, and how the smell of clover came with the springtime breezes from the meadow yonder!

When the performance was over the girls crowded around little Anne with eager congratulations; but, strange to say, everyone forgot that Miriam had given her promise to sing. What the crestfallen Miriam kept wondering was: "Wherever did she learn to do it?" Grace and her two friends, Jessica and Nora, were also invited to Mrs. Gray's luncheon the next day, after church.

The news reached me as I stood at the second-class gate scanning the faces of the great multicolored river of passengers that poured out into the city. For two hours, one by one with crestfallen mien, the manhunters leaked back into Ancon station and, the case having dwindled to one of regular daily routine, by eleven we were all abed. In the morning the "Greek chase" fell to me.

Chairman, I move you, sir, that the Honorable `Pot Platter' be made president of this convention. A scream of laughter went up from all parts of the house, and in an instant a gentleman rose and moved to amend by making the name ``Platt Potter. This was carried, and the proposer of the original motion retired crestfallen to his seat. I had the honor of presenting Mr. Andrews's name.

'Oh, yes, we may burn our letters of introduction when we please! rejoined his companion; and, silent and crestfallen, both walked upstairs to their apartments. 'The Earl of Hyndford! repeated I, with somewhat less painful feelings. 'Does he often travel unattended?

The baron had sprung to his feet at the first sound, and stood erect on the threshold, sword in hand, with such a lofty, heroic, and triumphant air, that Merindol for it was he passed quickly by, without offering to molest him, with a most deprecating, crestfallen expression; a laughable contrast to his habitual fierce insolence.

Thank you,” said the Devil. “It is more to my interest to leave them where they are.” So the dungeon-door was unbolted, and the Cardinals came forth, sheepish and crestfallen.