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While the fight had been raging on one side, six pirates in a boat had rowed around her and crept noiselessly to her deck, which they reached just as their captain fell.

Deep down in Anne's heart there crept a vague suspicion. MY DEAR GRACE: Will you come and see me at my office after school to-day? I have something very important to discuss. Sincerely yours, Grace read the letter over twice. What in the world could Miss Thompson want to discuss with her? Perhaps she had not been doing well enough in her classes. But Grace rejected the idea.

She did not reply directly; perhaps some recognition of the coldness with which she regarded him penetrated his understanding, for he added pleadingly: "Don't say you don't mind because you're absolutely indifferent to me!" "Why not?" "Anything but that," he said, while a distressed look crept into his eyes. "But then, if you speak the truth, you couldn't say that after all that has

So, when the ground was practicable, they crossed the sky-line at top speed, hastened through the intervening valley, and crept in Indian file to the next crest. The Bisharin camels had long ceased to utter their unavailing growls.

I knew my fate was fixed, unless I could keep secreted till the storm was over, and accordingly crept back to the weeds, where my little Thomas lay, took him on my back, and laid my course for the spring as fast as my legs would carry me. Thomas was nearly three years old, and very large and heavy.

And when it remained silent for a night, some trifling noise in the road would simulate its jangle in his dreams. "It's a wonder I have any nerves left," he grumbled, as the hot, red dawns crept in at the sides of the bedroom-window. For the shortening of his sleep at one end did not mean that he could make it up at the other.

What happened then I don't remember; all I remember is that I flew headlong between them into the garden, and home and into my bedroom and almost crept under the bed why not make a clean breast of it? And what leaps, what bounds I took in the garden! The premiere danseuse dancing before the Emperor Napoleon on his nameday couldn't have kept pace with me.

Then he said impressively: 'Well, if this don't beat hell! and turned to his work with the air of a man who had been confronted with a problem too abstruse for solution. I crept away, and courted solitude for the rest of the day. I did not go to dinner; I stayed away from supper until everybody else had finished. I did not feel so much like a member of the boat's family now as before.

The celebrated Prophet Francis was in command, and in his sly way he had crept as near the fort as possible to look for a good chance to attack it.

"I hope I have persuaded him to cure himself." Julian looked up hastily. "Oh, that sort of complaint, was it?" He laughed, not without a tinge of bitterness. "Perhaps he doesn't want to be cured." "I have persuaded him to want to be, I think." "Isn't that rather a priest's office?" Julian asked. The doctor noticed that a very faint hostility had crept into his manner. "Why?" "Oh, I don't know.