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Ian sought it in silence with God; she in crepitant intercourse with her kind.

Ian sought it in silence with God; she in crepitant intercourse with her kind.

The action of the organisms and their toxins on the adjacent tissues leads to a rapid and wide spread of the process. The skin becomes moist and macerated, and bullæ, containing dark-coloured fluid or gases, form under the epidermis. The putrefactive gases evolved cause the skin to become emphysematous and crepitant and produce an offensive odour.

Towards morning a coolness like dew fell from above, with here and there a dropping twig or nut, or the crepitant awakening and stretching-out of cramped and weary branches. Later a dull, lurid dawn, not unlike the last evening's sunset, filled the aisles. This faded again, and a clear gray light, in which every object stood out in sharp distinctness, took its place.

Once again that hollow moaning sound drifted in across the baked expanse of the Sahara a strange, empty sound, unreal and ominous. Then came a stir of sultry breeze, from the east. It strengthened; and a fine, crepitant sliding of sand-particles became audible. Rrisa stirred uneasily. "Master," he whispered, "we should not delay. If the jinnee of the waste overtake us, we may be lost."

A huge, leathery bat, suspended upside down in the far corner, cheeped with dry, crepitant sounds of irritation. Beatrice rubbed her eyes. "What?" she said, quite slowly. "Dreaming? How singular! I only wish I could remember this when I wake up. Of all the dreams I've ever had, this one's certainly the strangest. So real, so vivid! Why, I could swear I was awake and yet "

The symptoms of this were well marked, viz: a chill followed by fever, cough, brick-dust sputa, delirium, pain over lower half of right lung, which was solidified, and afterward gave the crepitant and sub-crepitant roles.