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Where is there a well that one of our rich old American patriarks will set down by for two years, leavin' off the orts. There haint none, there haint no such a well. Our patriarks haint fond of well water, anyway. And old Miss Abraham now, and Miss Isaac what stay to home wimmen they wuz, and equinomical! What a good contented creeter Sarah Abraham wuz.

Indeed, as the description progressed, detailing the child's attire even to his red shoes, the old fellow's fingers were toying fatuously with one of them in his deep coat pocket among the loose tobacco that fed his pipe. "That don't half ekal him," he broke out suddenly. "Never war sech another delightsome leetle creeter." A moment of stunned amazement supervened among the group.

Beebe, in great alarm, trotting for the cup of gruel. "Here, you pretty creeter you, here's something nice." And she temptingly held the spoon over Joel's mouth; but with a grimace he turned away. "Oh, I want something to eat! some gingerbread or some bread and butter." "Dear me!" ejaculated Mrs. Beebe. "Gingerbread!" Poor Mrs.

It wuz here that I see this Thing that Scientists hain't never classified; it is about the size of a beaver has fur like a seal, eyes like a fish, is web-footed, lays eggs, and hatches its young and lives in the water. It is called a Platypus there wuz four on 'em. Queer creeter as I ever see. No wonder that Scientists furled their spectacles in front of it, and sot down discouraged.

But she did, poor little creeter! she did. Maria died when Cicely wus about eighteen. She had always been delicate, and couldn't live no longer: so she died. And Josiah and me went right after the poor child, and brought her home with us. She lived, Cicely did, because she wus young, and couldn't die.

That will do as good a day's work a plowin' as any creeter I ever see, and work as stiddy after it gits to doin' day's works in a female's face. Waz it Dissatisfaction and Disappointment? They, too, will plow deep furrows and a sight of 'em. I don't know what it wuz. Mebby it wuz her waist and sleeves.

So she staid to hum, as I say, and took care of'em night and day; sights of watching and wearisome care she had, poor little creeter; but she took the best of care of 'em, and kep 'em kinder comforted up, and clean, and brought up Tom, the youngest boy, by hand, and thought her eyes on him. That wuz the year the old gentleman died; her mother had died 3 months prior and beforehand.

"She's a contented creeter, my pretty," the old woman said to Ruth. "Red or white, I never see such a quiet puss. And she jumps and runs to wait on me like you do. "Oh, my back! and oh, my bones!" exclaimed Aunt Alvirah, rising cautiously with the aid of a cane she now depended upon. "My rheumatism don't seem any better, and I have had it long enough, seems to me, for it to get better," she added.

But onlucky creeter that I wuz, I argued that, bein' a woman in search of instruction and wisdom, I wanted to see life on as many sides as I could; while I was at Columbuses doin's I wanted to look round and see all I could in a social and educational way. Poor deceived human creeters, how they will blind their own eyes when they pursue their own desires!

"Now," sez I, "you jest do them shoes right up and carry 'em back to the store, and if you have got to have a new pair, git some that will be more becomin' to a human creeter, let alone a class-leader, and a perfessor, and a grandfather." So at last I prevailed he a-forebodin' to the very last that it would make talk to see him in such shoes.