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From the smoking chimneys presiding over the ancient roof to the hospitable steps leading from the box-bordered walk below, the outward form of the dwelling spoke to the imaginative mind of that inner spirit which had moulded it into a lasting expression of a racial sentiment, as if the Virginia creeper covering the old brick walls had wreathed them in memories as tenacious as itself.

This afternoon they had rambled through the woods, where the hard, smooth road wound picturesquely through the places in which it had been easiest to make a road, and where the great trunks of the trees were partly covered by clinging vines, which Miss Roberta knew to be either Virginia creeper or poison oak, although she did not remember which of these had clusters of five leaves, and which of three.

If you will watch a warbler collecting the insects out of the top of a seventy-foot forest oak, busy as a bee hour after hour, it will convince you that the birds do for the forests that which man with all his resources cannot accomplish. You will then realize that to this country every woodpecker, chickadee, titmouse, creeper and warbler is easily worth its weight in gold.

"Say," he added, pointing, "what do you think of that for a creeper, over there? I'm sure I saw it climbing down off that tree." Jimmie took one look and started away, drawing Peter with him. "It's a python!" he exclaimed. "Come on." "There are no pythons in this country," Peter replied, pulling back and looking out over the water again. "It is a boa, then," Jimmie cried. "Come away.

The cardinal sings from the hammock, and so does the Carolina wren. From the same place comes the song of a Maryland yellow-throat. There, too, the hen-hawks are screaming. At my feet are blue violets and white houstonia. Vines, thinly covered with fresh leaves, straggle over the walls, Virginia creeper, poison ivy, grapevine, and at least one other, the name of which I do not know.

There was a ringing of axes. They were cutting down the young spring growth; they were making an abattis. Tones of command could be heard. "Hurry, hurry hurry! They mean to rush us. Hurry hurry!" A dead creeper mantling a dead tree, caught by some flying spark, suddenly flared throughout its length, stood a pillar of fire, and showed redly the enemy's guns.

The Political Officer, looking about him, pointed to a thick creeper with withered-seeming bark and said with a laugh: "There's your water, Wargrave. Lots of it on tap. See here." He cut off a length of the liana, which contained a whitish, pulpy interior. From the two ends of the piece water began to drip steadily and increased to a thin stream.

The brown lashes drooped, the lovely eyes were bent on the grass, and the little hand swung the creeper nervously backward and forward. "Why did you not warn me that I had an audience?" "Because, in the first place, I was too late. When you began I was " "What?" she asked as I hesitated. "Asleep." "And I disturbed you. I am so sorry." "I am not."

But the cries becoming shriller and more piteous, he investigated, finding among the leaves of a creeper on the verandah a large green Mantis religiosa, too voraciously making a meal off the hind-leg of a little green frog, which it grasped firmly.

""Narada said, 'The large-eyed lady, controlling her grief by an effort of her own, addressed the Grandsire, with joined hands and bending in an attribute of humility like a creeper. And she said, "How, O foremost of speakers, shall a lady like me that has sprung from thee proceed to accomplish such a terrible feat, a feat, that is, which is sure to inspire all living creatures with dread?