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To be in his power, as you would be for some years if your scheme of gradual payment were carried out, is the last thing I should desire for you. Let me suggest another way. Take me for your creditor instead of him. Pay him at once, and I will write you a check for the amount."

If a Quaker, after this inspection of his affairs, should find himself unable to pay his just debts, he is immediately to disclose his affairs to some judicious members of the society, or to his principal creditors, and to take their advice how he is to act; but to be particularly careful not to pay one creditor in preference to another.

"You have compelled me to accept the money, but I shall not be happy till I have repaid you. Suppose this loan should make us fall out?" "You may be quite sure that if you don't pay when the bill falls due, I shall have recourse to the law." "Oh, I know that very well." "I shall enforce all my rights as a creditor." "I expect nothing else." "I shall show no pity."

The law sought to check the overburdening of landed property with debt partly by ordaining, in the case of a debt secured over the land, the provisional transference of the ownership of the object pledged from the debtor to the creditor, partly, in the case of a simple loan, by the rigour of the proceedings in execution which speedily led to actual bankruptcy; the latter means however, as the sequel will show, attained its object but very imperfectly.

The creditor looks, that in case the debtor proves a bankrupt, that then the surety should engage the payment. The creditor looks that the surety should be an able man. Now our Surety was, and is, in this case, every way suitable; for He is heir of all things. 3. Thus comes grace to saints. 4. The creditor looks that his money should be brought into his house, to his own habitation.

If there is any competition at all admissible between just debts, surely those which have been incurred in return for commodities supplied have a stronger claim than those, arising from play or bets, which represent no sacrifice on the part of the creditor. Another instance of the class of cases which I am now considering is to be found in reckless gambling.

According to this statement Webster had, on the Friday afternoon, struck Parkman on the head with a heavy wooden stick in a wild moment of rage, induced by the violent taunts and threats of his creditor.

To be sure, back of him was the strongest nation on the earth, left so by the war, the one nation with resources, the creditor of all the others, to which a successful foreign policy would be naturally easy if it could only decide what that policy should be. It was left to Mr. Hughes to say what it should be.

But though the Jew held his jewel, of thrice the value no doubt of the sums he had lent upon it, that was not all the profit which he intended to have from his unhappy creditor; over whom he began speedily to exercise his authority.

If you owe a hundred dollars, and your creditor will not hold you quit for anything less than the whole sum, it is of no consequence whether you offer him ten or twenty." "Why, according to that," said Miss Sophia. "it makes no difference what kind of life one leads." Alice sighed, and shook her head. "The fruit shows what the tree is. Love to God will strive to please him always."