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"Cap'n Pennel, you're gettin' to make an idol of that 'ere child," said Miss Ruey. "We have to watch our hearts. It minds me of the hymn, "'The fondness of a creature's love, How strong it strikes the sense, Thither the warm affections move, Nor can we call them hence."

"Faith, an' he's a broth of a boy, I can tell you; and I wouldn't give him for half-a-dozen of those parlez-vous Frenchies like the chap whose place he took indade that I wouldn't." Which, coming to Damase's ears, added further fuel to the fire of jealousy and hate that was burning within this half-savage creature's breast.

Tarzan braced himself for the coming shock when the creature's body should have fallen the full length of the rope and as it did there was a snap of the vertebrae that rose sickeningly in the momentary silence that had followed the doomed man's departing scream.

Could a duchess have claimed greater grace than that poor, unlettered, uncouth creature's delicate perception of that subtle principle of courtesy, which allowed her to jest over her own misfortunes, but which prompted a gentle hesitation in speaking to another about hers!

You may ask." "In pursuit of my old psychological study, you know. What has happened in this poor little place, by this poor creature's bedside, to do any good to Daisy Randolph?" Now it was not according to my nature to like to tell him. But what had I just been asking, but that I might carry messages? So I spoke, slowly.

"I advise you to let self-respect, or any other motive you please, still restrain you, madam. I remain here as the warden of this pretty creature's person, until she is safely secured." "You will at least be kind enough to explain to us the causes of your present words and actions, sir!" said Mrs. Waugh, severely. "Undoubtedly, madam!

The prisoner being unable to pay the fine, some of the ladies and gentlemen in court kindly raised the amount amongst them, in pity for the poor creature's obvious contrition, rather than see him sent to prison for a month in default of payment. "The prisoner was then conducted to the temple, followed by a considerable number of people.

"But your worships may not be aware and as merciful men may be glad to hear that this poor creature's offence against the Sabbath was committed under stress. Her mother and grandfather have starved this week through, as I happen to know." "That may or may not be," put in Mr. Trask a dry-complexioned, stubborn, malignant-looking man, seated next on the Chairman's right.

And how delightful it would be to But no matter what I thought. I began this book with the intention of concealing nothing; that those who liked might have the benefit of perusing a fellow- creature's heart: but we have some thoughts that all the angels in heaven are welcome to behold, but not our brother-men not even the best and kindest amongst them.

She was unable to afford proper nourishment to her child, which languished from day to day, and the only strong desire left to her was that she might survive long enough to see it fairly out of the world. Such was the sad tale poured into the sympathetic ears of Mrs. Savareen, as she knelt there with the poor creature's head against her boson.