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There, from the congregation, from the church, from the sermon, from the past altogether, he turned aside his face and would forget them quite. What had he to do with the thing that was done, done with, and gone, either into the treasury or the lumber-room, of creation?

All creation and all creatures, every leaf is striving to the Word, singing glory to God, weeping to Christ, unconsciously accomplishing this by the mystery of their sinless life. Yonder,” said I, “in the forest wanders the dreadful bear, fierce and menacing, and yet innocent in it.” And I told him how once a bear came to a great saint who had taken refuge in a tiny cell in the wood.

Formed in the likeness of their Creator, they lived solely to reveal Him to His creation and to each other and thus to glorify Him every moment of the day. Humbly they accepted the position of a creature with the Creator that of complete submission and yieldedness to His will.

And now that they have just hushed, he listens with undefined sadness to the powerful noise, almost incessant since the creation, that the breakers of the Bay of Biscay make and which, in the peaceful nights, may be heard in the distance behind the mountains. But his floating dream changes again.

All this had flashed across his mind, and amazed him with his own folly, before he reached the town on the morning that he left her. But that was nothing to the knowledge that so soon followed, the discovery that he loved her. For the first time in his life it seemed to be his part in creation to look up, and not to look down.

Hardly had I pronounced it when the box closed, the head disappeared, and in its place I again found the handful of ashes. Without suspecting it I had discovered the two most potent words in nature, the words of creation and destruction, of life and of death!"

True, we only know the minor part of the universe, and it is quite possible, as M. d'Asterac says who is a bit of a fool that this earth is no more than a spot of mud in the infinity of worlds. Maybe the astronomer Copernicus was not altogether dreaming when he taught that, mathematically, the earth is not the centre of creation.

"You don't know anything!" Fatuously the Younger Man rose to his feet, still struggling for speech any old speech a sentence, a word, a cough, anything, in fact, that would make a noise. "Well, if little Miss Edgarton is little Miss Edgarton," he babbled idiotically, "who in creation are you?" "Who am I?" stammered the Older Man perplexedly.

Thou art He Who by a word of His mouth hath revolutionized the entire creation, and by a stroke of His pen hath divided Thy servants one from another. I bear witness, O my God, that through a word spoken by Thee in this Revelation all created things were made to expire, and through yet another word all such as Thou didst wish were, by Thy grace and bounty, endued with new life.

The new king did not inherit the throne; he was elected to it. He was an arbitrary creation of Parliament. Richard Duke of York, his cousin, claimed a double descent from the Duke Clarence and also from the Duke of York, both sons of Edward III. This led later to the dreariest chapter in English history, "the Wars of the Roses."