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I like potatoes all styles and every style, French fried, lyonnaise, O'Brien, shoestring shape, pants-button design, hashed brown, creamed, mashed, stewed, soufflé if only I knew who blew 'em up and most of all, baked au naturel in the union suit. And I miss them and shall keep on missing them.

This fact is clearly demonstrated in a cake in which the butter and sugar have not been actually creamed, for such a cake will not have the same texture as one in which the creaming has been done properly. It is also shown in angel food or sunshine cake, for the success of such a cake depends largely on the skill employed in folding in the whites of eggs or in beating the yolks.

There is some canned salmon in the grocery closet, I forgot to mention, and she can borrow a few potatoes from the Shriners for frying, until I get a chance to lay in supplies when I get home. Poor Albert! How he loved creamed salmon and fried potatoes! Ben, help me to realize what has happened. O God, I " MR. BECKER: "Now, Carrie." MRS. BECKER: "The Shriners are nice neighbors, Lilly.

He was demolishing a great slice of Volgan sturgeon, contemplating at the same time with immense interest a salad of creamed cucumbers, when Matrena Petrovna appeared. He wished to excuse himself at once and spoke with his mouth full. "I beg your pardon, madame, but the Czar forgot to invite me to breakfast." Madame Matrena smiled and gave him a hearty handshake as she urged him to be seated.

So when, after she had passed the hot johnny-cake, seen to it that Father had the biggest pork chop and the mealiest potato, and given him his cup of coffee creamed and sugared just right, Mother got out the letter with the university crest and began to read. She had no fears that Father would not agree with her about it.

But if I had a cake in the oven 'stead of biscuit, I guess 'twould have fell flat with that shock. I do wish you could take snuff quiet. Look an' see, will you, Ida May, if those biscuits are burning?" The girl opened the oven door to view briefly the two pans of biscuit. "They are not even brown yet, Aunt Prue. But soon." "The creamed fish is done. I hope you like salt fish, Ida May?"

When hominy is served with a sauce, it may be used as a dinner vegetable or as the main dish in a light meal. Heat the milk, and to it add the butter and the salt. Then thicken it with the flour. To this sauce add the hominy and allow all to cook slowly for 10 or 15 minutes. Serve the creamed hominy hot.

Next morning place in large drippings or roasting-pan on rack and spread breast, legs and wings with one-third cup of fat creamed and mixed with one-fourth cup of flour. Dredge bottom of pan with flour.

"Oh, Sally," Martie was again fired, "we could have creamed chicken and sandwiches that's all anybody ever wants! And it's so much sweller than messy sherbets and layer cake. And we could decorate the rooms with greens " "Our rooms are lovely, anyway!" Sally stated with satisfaction. "Why, with the folding doors open, and fires in both grates, they would be perfectly stunning!"

Scrape out the pulp, throw away cores and skin. To a pint of pulp take four eggs, beat the yolks light with three cups of sugar and a cup of creamed butter, add the quince pulp, a little mace broken small or grated nutmeg, then half a cup of cream, and the egg-whites beaten stiff. Bake in a deep pan, and serve hot with hard or wine sauce.