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Being sent on a secret mission to Norway, the ship in which he was embarked was wrecked on the coast of that kingdom. He then repaired to Hamburg, where the Senate placed him under arrest on the demand of Mr. Crawford, the English Minister. After being detained in prison a whole year he was conveyed to England to be tried.

I felt, as people say, that "something was going to happen," and moved listlessly among the brilliant assembly, wondering what it would be. "You look bored, Crawford," remarked O'Brien, coming across to me. "Is anything the matter?" "No, thanks; I'm a bit off colour that's all." "Would you rather be in the mountains?" asked Colonel Miller, who had joined us.

There was wretchedness in the idea of its being serious; there was perplexity and agitation every way. She was distressed whenever Mr. Crawford spoke to her, and he spoke to her much too often; and she was afraid there was a something in his voice and manner in addressing her very different from what they were when he talked to the others.

'To Tracy Park, to claim my own and clear Harold! was the reply. 'When I come back I will tell you all, but now I cannot wait. 'But, Jerrie, you are not strong enough to walk there, and besides they have company this afternoon, some kind of a new-fangled card party, and you must not go, Mrs. Crawford said.

On the following week they went to Perth; and Jenny Jervis and Betsy Braikens were married on the same day the former to Sandy Crawford, and the latter to Robert Walker, who had kept up a regular correspondence with her ever since the night on which he lost his way among the snow.

The boy flushed scarlet as their eyes met, for Anthony Crawford, without making a sound, went through a pantomime of an ecstasy of glee. He had evidently expected to arouse Oliver's curiosity by his suggestion the day before, and was overcome with ill-natured delight to catch him in the very act of satisfying it. With a mutter of angry words, Oliver dropped back into the garden.

As soon as he had eaten his breakfast, he hurried to carry the book to its owner. He explained how the accident had happened. "Mr. Crawford," he said, "I am willing to pay you for the book. I have no money; but, if you will let me, I will work for you until I have made its price." Mr.

Not once a year would anybody except one of themselves enter this valley, and if a stranger did so he would know better than to push his way into the cañon. Horses were drowsing sleepily in the corral. Dave slid from the saddle and spoke to Crawford in a low voice. "I'm going down to have a look at those horses," he said, unfastening his rope from the tientos. The cattleman nodded.

He was a strong man and a stout swimmer, while for dogged courage I have rarely met his equal. One morning Santiago came into my room or rather his with a troubled expression on his face. I was able to walk by this time, and stood by the little window, watching the soldiers at exercise in the courtyard. "Crawford," said he abruptly, "have you any reason to be afraid of General Barejo?"

I'm sure it was Miss Crawford his Highness was admiring. "'But how do you know it is his Highness, I inquired. "'How? Why, look at him. His very tread has nobility in it. You have not been travelling abroad long enough to distinguish at a glance. In order to know the aristocracy of a nation one must have mingled with it on equal terms. Now that gentleman is a royal duke, I take it.