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Yet, if wisdom is not learnt, the damage to the child may be distressingly serious. He rapidly grows incapable of supporting life without this excessive stimulation. Without the constant society and attention of a grown person, he feels himself lost. He cannot be left alone, and yet cannot enjoy the society he craves.

'And what may ye be, friend? said the Gifted Gilfillan. 'A puir pedlar, that's bound for Stirling, and craves the protection of your honour's party in these kittle times. Ah' your honour has a notable faculty in searching and explaining the secret, ay, the secret and obscure and incomprehensible causes of the backslidings of the land; ay, your honour touches the root o' the matter.

Another great and manifest evil in our society, and one closely connected with that of which we have just spoken, is the inordinate love of wealth, and the elevation of the money god to the highest seat in our temple of worship. Human nature craves distinction.

The diseased palate craves what has made it diseased, craves it more, and more, and more. In case of stomachs, Nature has a few simple inventions of her own for bringing reckless abuses to a stand-still, dyspepsia, and delirium-tremens, and so on. But she takes no account, apparently, of the diseased conditions of brains incident to the long use of unwholesome or poisonous intellectual food.

Despite Chris and her ceaseless efforts to keep joy at the flood, a listlessness stole over the little party as the day wore on. Phoebe found her voice not to be relied upon and felt herself drifting into that state between laughter and tears which craves solitude for its exhibition. The cows came home to be milked, and there seemed but few of them after the great procession at Monks Barton.

He is gorgeously caparisoned with clean linen, talcumed, exuding Jockey Club, prepared for surgical and psychic shock, his legs drilled hollow to admit of precious fluids, his pockets bulging with kronen. He is a lovely, mellow creature, a virtuoso of the domestic virtues when home, but now, at large in Europe, he craves excitement.

That style went out on the day that Mesdames Shem, Ham, and Japhet left the ark. Grey. And well it might, for evening-dress, at least No, my taste, or, if you will permit me to say it, good taste, craves rich colors, and ample, flowing lines, colors which require taste to be shown in their arrangement and adaptation, and forms which show invention and knowledge in their design.

I know your might, and all that ye may do, and well ye wot ye may do me great hurt or death. 'Come down, then, cried Sir Gawaine, 'for what my heart craves is to slay thee. Thou didst get the better of me the other day, and I come this day to get my revenge. And wit thee well I will lay thee as low as thou didst lay me.

"What I mean is this: None can give comfort but those who know how to sympathize with the soul that craves it, who feel the sorrows of others as keenly as though they were their own. And this gift, my brethren, is, next to faith, the Christian grace which of all others best pleases our Heavenly Master. "I see it in my mind's eye!

Under these stifled conditions she is no longer normal; she becomes weak, pliable she no longer reasons; she craves excitement, deceit, misadventure, confession quarrels jealousy love stringing their nerves to a tension and breeding a certain melancholy; it tortures by its suppression; a flash of lightning or a drenching rain would have been a relief. For some moments neither had spoken.