United States or Barbados ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The oil industry is terrified of America' domination of the world's second largest proven reserves but also craves to do business in the United States. Intellectuals and Russian diplomats worry about America's apparent disregard for the world order spawned by the horrors of World War II. The average Russian regards the Iraqi stalemate as an internal American affair.

You'll have to give me audience about three times a day, you know, to keep me in mind of all these rules, or I'll be safe to forget some of them." "You had better try to remember. I'll keep an eye on you. And now do you want any more, or have you learnt your lesson?" "I'll trust so. Henceforth I shall not call my soul my own. The humblest of your slaves craves permission to kiss the royal hand.

The mother's tutelage has done much, but more remains to be done in the schooling to be had from books. After the first victory has been won over the forest and the soil, and the pioneer reposes for a season upon his laurels, in comparative ease, he discerns the needs of his flock, and craves the offices of one who can supply the place of the weary mother in schooling the children.

The Duke craves excess in music in order that his 'appetite may sicken and so die; Sebastian wishes 'to steep his soul in Lethe. Do you think Sebastian and Viola alike in more than appearance? Which is the quicker-witted? Is the Duke's amicable acceptance of the inevitable and transference of his love to Viola in keeping with his character?

A delicate pink, like the inside of a conch shell, spread over Mrs. Brocklehurst's cheeks. "We're all slaves," she declared with a touch of passion. "It's hard for you to realize, I know, about those of us who seem more fortunate than our sisters. But it's true. The men give us jewels and automobiles and clothes, but they refuse to give us what every real woman craves liberty."

Guardian angels! no fable. God gives you a sudden and particular thought, and while you are independent of circumstances you master them as well." But such portraiture as the above is apt to get very vague and insipid unless one is able to convey a vivid picture of the man as he walked, and spoke, and lived. Personality, personal characteristics, how one craves for them!

The great instrument of moral good is the imagination; and poetry administers to the effect by acting upon the cause. Poetry enlarges the circumference of the imagination by replenishing it with thought of ever new delight, which have the power of attracting and assimilating to their own nature all other thoughts, and which form new intervals and interstices whose void for ever craves fresh food.

Unless he took copious notes on this journey, it is incredible how he could have made it so complete, so specific is the life of each day. The reader craves more light on one point the size of the ship, her length and tonnage.

It is not that he craves for stupid and conventional praise from men who can only applaud when they see others applauding. What he desires is to express the kinship, the enthusiasm of generous hearts, to make an echo in the souls of a few like-minded people. He may desire this nay, he must desire it, if he is to fulfil his own ideal at all.

Every thing that has once entered into our lives, no matter how intimate, craves to come out; the instinct of gregariousness extends, as we have noted, to the whole of the mind. The completely private and uncommunicated makes us as uncertain and afraid of ourselves as physical loneliness.