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But they could find none, and the bread and crackers were just beginning to burn when a voice cried: "Here is water, Uncle Wiggily!" "Where? Where?" asked the rabbit gentleman, all excited like. "Where?" "Inside my pulpit," was the answer, and Uncle Wiggily saw, not far away, the Jack-plant he had helped from under the stone.

The Captain gave me a cheese, a sack of butter crackers, sardines, and many other matters which were of value to us on our journey over the plains. He also gave me his name, age, and place of residence in St. Louis, writing it in a little blank book which he presented me. He then gave me five dollars in gold, shook hands, and said: "Remember me in coming days," and we parted.

A Petrograd dispatch to the London "Morning Post" on the 15th of July, 1915, said of the German plan that it was to catch the Russian armies like a nut between nut crackers, that the two fronts moving up from north and south were intended to meet on another and grind everything between them to powder.

He remembered giving Jim two crackers on the afternoon of the storm and seeing him turn west. The clew began and ended there. Slowly the conviction settled on the tenement that Jim had really run away to enlist. "I'll enlist him!" said his father; and the tenement acquiesced in the justice of his intentions and awaited developments. And all the time Jocko kept Jim's secret safe.

One day while the head eunuch from the palace of one of the leading princes in Peking was sitting in my study he said: "It is drawing near to the New Year. Do you celebrate the New Year in your honourable country?" "Yes," I replied, "though not quite the same as you do here." "Do you fire off crackers?" "Yes, in the matter of firecrackers, we celebrate very much the same as you do."

"I'll just take a couple o' crackers in my pocket and step over to the old place. I'll take my time and be back soon enough to make 'em that pan o' my hot gingerbread they'll be counting on for supper."

You boys think of nothing but eating from morning till night. But I am hungry myself, so come along!" The four buffeted their way back to the house, and Phil climbed in at the pantry window and opened the kitchen door for the dripping party. They lighted a lantern, and judicious rummaging produced crackers and cheese, gingerbread, and some bottles of root beer.

Needless to say white crackers, cookies and cakes are to be classed with white bread. One should use brown sugar in place of white wherever possible, or use the pure New Orleans molasses. It is often difficult to secure this, however, inasmuch as most of the molasses on the market is made up chiefly of glucose or corn syrup, and often contains harmful chemical preservatives.

Shove back that easel and bring in that beer it's outside the door in a box. I'll get out the tobacco and pipes." Jack stretched both arms above his head, emitted a yawn that could be heard in his room below, and sprang to his feet. Fred, by this time, had taken down from a closet a tin box of crackers, unwrapped a yellow cheese, and was trimming its raw edges with a palette knife.

Armstrong had put up a lunch for them, and Jed had a bucket of clams, a kettle, a pail of milk, some crackers, onions and salt pork, the ingredients of a possible chowder. "Little mite late for 'longshore chowder picnics, ma'am," he said, "but it's a westerly wind and I cal'late 'twill be pretty balmy in the lee of the pines. Soon's it gets any ways chilly we'll be startin' home.