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He were good to make one that had the colic alight often, and, if example will cause him, make urine; let him only for that say, Grammercy horse. For powdering his ears with quicksilver, and giving him suppositories of live eels, he is expert. All the while you are cheapening, he fears you will not bite; but he laughs in his sleeve when he hath cozened you in earnest.

Indeed, the proverb saith,'The world is the dwelling of him who hath no dwelling': he who hath no wits is cozened by it and entrusteth it with his wealth and his child and his family and his folk; and whoso is cozened ceaseth not to rely upon it, pacing proudly upon earth until he is laid under earth and the dust is cast over his corpse by him who of all men was dearest to him and nearest.

Because my father and you between you cozened me out of my lawful own, and this is the only way that I see of coming by it again." "What does it matter? in any case after your death the land will come back to Angela and her children." "No, George, it will not; if ever the Isleworth estates come into my hands, they shall not pass again to any child of yours." "What would you do with them, then?"

Her hair was like that rare October brown, half dun, half gold; her eyes were cool and restful, like the brown pools one sees in the heart of the forests, and her lips and cheeks cozened the warm vermilion of the rose which lay ever so lightly on the bosom of her white dress. Close at hand was a table upon which stood a pitcher of lemonade. She was holding in her hand an empty glass.

This is treachery!" and taking hold of my arm, he asked, "Who was it? Who has betrayed this little joke?" I looked him innocently in the face. "Why, my dear Siegfried, it would be unnatural if an old Vienna theatre-goer like me did not know Seestern, the famous comic actor. I am no country cousin to be cozened in that way."

There was Bitter Bread before me, if I chose to follow, as thousands of poor, cozened, betrayed creatures before me had done, a Naughty Life; but this, with unutterable Loathing and Scorn, I cast away from me; and having, from my Dare-devil Temper, a kind of Pride and High Stomach made me determine to earn my livelihood in a bold and original manner.

See you, my dear, this explains the whole mystery, the necessity for absolute secrecy; all England is friendly to the French monarch; no need to smuggle gold for his aid but the other...! It is treason, the blackest treason on every side of it, treason to his King, to his country, to your King, to you. And he would have cozened you with tales of his loyalty to the rightful cause!"

She could hardly conceive of wanting the kind of love that was a state one could be cozened into... Darrow, putting away the frame, walked across the room and sat down beside her; and she felt he had something special to say. "They're sure to send for me in a day or two now," he began. She made no answer, and he continued: "You'll tell me before I go what day I'm to come back and get you?"

Answer me this, sir: When you cozened Captain Hobart with your lies concerning the station of this other traitor Pitt, what was your business then?" "To save him from being hanged without trial, as was threatened." "What concern was it of yours whether or how the wretch was hanged?"

That he had, as Sidney said, been foully cozened, in both senses of the word, was as clear as daylight; but he was much angered and disappointed to find that neither the Ambassador nor his tutor could see that Eustacie's worthiness was proved by the iniquity of her relation, or that any one of the weighty reasons for the expediency of dissolving the marriage was remove.