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During these few hurried words, the strokes at the door and the shouts without had been continued, and the door shook on its yielding hinges. "The key the key!" whispered Darrell. But the bravo was stupefied by the suddenness with which his rage had been cowed, his design baffled, his position changed from the man dictating laws and threatening life, to the man protected by his intended victim.

On the other hand, Amos, if he had been of a similar temperament to his brother, would have been inevitably more or less cowed and driven into himself by the circumstances which surrounded him, and the treatment which he undeservedly received at the hands of his parents and younger brother.

Miss Eva, you 's so good, you don't know nothing how to get along with niggers. There's no way but to cut 'em well up, I tell ye." "Rosa!" said Eva, "hush! Don't you say another word of that sort!" and the eye of the child flashed, and her cheek deepened its color. Rosa was cowed in a moment. "Miss Eva has got the St. Clare blood in her, that's plain.

But although dead, strange to say, in the land he so long ruled with hard ruthless hand, still dreaded almost as much as when living; his cowed and craven subjects speaking of him with trembling lips and bated breath, no more as "El Supremo," but "El Defunto!" The Senora Halberger believes she may now return to her native country, without fear of further persecution from him.

He turned on his heel, presenting his broad back as a target to the rifles as he stepped over to automobile party. Oddly the four men, though they had the look of being desperate, did not offer to shoot. Tom's audacity had almost cowed them for the moment. "I hope I can be of some use to you," suggested Tom, raising his hat out of respect to the women.

When will you learn that I am master?... I have not tired of you yet, you lovely little wild thing, garcon manque.... You say she is cowed; I say she is content content to give me everything I ask of her.... For four months she has fought me. Why does it give me no pleasure to have broken her at last? Why do I want her still? She is English and I have made her pay for my hatred of her cursed race.

My answer had so effectively put him in his place that he actually seemed cowed: he even hung his head as he walked off. After a while I shot a pigeon, and loaded again. While I was doing so, I caught sight of Glahn standing half hidden behind a tree, watching me to see if I really loaded. A little later he started singing a hymn and a wedding hymn into the bargain.

She looked back at him with dark eyes loathing his cowed, wretched animosity. His eyes were bloodshot and furtive, his mouth was drawn back in a half-grin of hate and misery. She was goading him, in his darkness whither he had withdrawn himself like a sick dog, to die or recover as his strength should prove.

When a hairy shin impedes, whack it, or make a feint and a bluff. You'll be surprised how easily the terrifying hulks of adversity are charmed out of the highway ahead of you by a little impertinence, a little ginger, and a little gall. Many a man remains a coward all his life because somebody cowed him when he was a boy. Dr.

Rushing in all round, they hauled the savage off, but not until repeatedly struck on the head would he let go. His rage was now absolutely demoniac; he lay glaring and writhing on the deck, without attempting to rise. Cowed, as they supposed he was, from his attitude, the men, rejoiced at seeing him thus humbled, left him; after rating him, in sailor style, for a cannibal and a coward.