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His conscience reproached him: he knew he had not come bravely with his hands full of the sacrifice, having conquered himself, and ready to lay down all for her sake; but like a coward, still in the thrall of his money-lust and yet longing to attain her too, unable to give her up.

Inspire her with the dread of offending what she thinks principle, and she becomes a coward! But I will rouse! I will soar above her, will subdue her, will have her prostrate in humble submission, or perish!

"'Wae's me, said the lad, 'for I canna follow him. An' what can I tell my mither that she doesna ca' me a coward this day? "The young lad gazed across the chasm, an' as he looked he saw a shinin', misty light, an' in it the form o' a beautiful woman, an' he bared his heid an' bowed before this veesion.

Some will take him to be a coward, but believe it, he is a lad of metal; his valour is commonly three or four yards long, fastened to a pike in the end for flying off. He is provident, for he will fight but with one at once, and then also he had rather submit than be counted obstinate. To conclude, if he escape Tyburn and Banbury, he dies a beggar.

Here was an opening. Louise seized it. "Sit down and tell us about it, Kitty," she said. "You know we really had no idea of bothering your dove the other day. Did his leg fix up all right?" "Guess so, but he ain't my bird," and she did actually flop down in the sand, much to their surprise. "Why don't you like the ocean?" asked Grace. "The ocean is a coward.

A man is but weak and foolish, carried away by the merest trifle, and a coward every time that his senses are excited or mastered. I clung to this unknown girl, silent and dissatisfied as she always was.

But Girty, with all his crimes, was not a coward, and he was cunning, too, with the cunning of both the white man and the red. He recovered his courage and continued: "The taking of this fleet in particular would be the greatest triumph that we could achieve, and it would be a triumph in a double way.

He recalled a story of George Sand tearing off her bodice before the house of a man she loved. Yet... why hadn't he gone quietly away, early in the morning, before Savina was up? He was appalled at the depths to which he had fallen, the ignominious appearance that interrogated him from the pier-glass; Lee saw himself in the light of a coward a cheap, safe sensation- maker.

Sercombe," said Ian, "had we not better put off our bout till to-morrow? You have fought already!" "Damn you for a coward, come on!" "Would you not like to take your breath for a moment?" "I have all I am likely to need." "It is only fair," persisted Ian, "to warn you that you will not find my knowledge on the level of my brother's!" "Shut up," said Sercombe savagely, "and come on."

"Coward that I am, to have lost so many hours!" exclaimed Philip; "yon sun appears as if waiting on the hill, to give me light to read." Philip mused a short time; he was once more the daring Vanderdecken. Calmly he broke the seal, which bore the initials of his father's name, and read as follows: "To CATHERINE.