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During the period of her cousin's visit at Belton, Clara received two letters from Captain Aylmer, who was spending the Christmas holidays with his father and mother, and on the day previous to that of her cousin's departure there came a third. In neither of these letters was there much said about Sir Anthony, but they were all very full of Lady Aylmer.

He had aged with mysterious rapidity and become excessively irritable, but the cousin's wife was a born manager, and contrived to get along with him. Our Mr.

On the same side was found Henry Casimir, Stadholder of Friesland, who was jealous of his cousin's autocratic exercise of authority. The pourparlers at Nijmwegen were still going on, but made no progress in face of William's refusal to treat except in concert with his allies.

But the attention of Julia had been arrested by her cousin's agitation, and her eye fell on Corbin, where it was fixed with some fatal fascination that seemed in turn to enthrall and possess him also. To Miss Sally's infinite dismay the others fell back and allowed these two black figures to stand out, then to move towards each other with the same terrible magnetism.

Then this traitress put certain women's questions to her, and was perfectly assured by the replies of Bertha, that if she had had the profit of being a mother, the pleasures of love had been denied to her. At this she rejoiced greatly on her cousin's behalf like the good woman she was.

If love was baffled, was there not revenge? Then came the recollection of his cousin's counsel. Should this artful stranger triumph in everything? Margaret Cooper had scarcely disguised the interest which she felt in him. Nay, had not that exulting glance of the eye declared that she, at least, knew what was the purpose of Stevens in seeking the secluded village?

"What a beauty!" he cried, as he saw the golden curls and the big blue eyes. "And so intelligent!" "Of course! Did you think she'd look vacant?" "They often do," said Chick, sagely. "Why, my cousin's baby looks positively idiotic at times, but this mite, she knows it all!" And Fleurette did look wise.

George leaned forward and, as he picked up the document, a flush crept into his cousin's face. "I hardly expected you would take this line. Do you think it's right to blame me because I couldn't anticipate the fall in value?" "It strikes me that the situation is one that had better not be discussed between us," George rejoined, with marked coldness.

His cousin's children doubtless had prepared the way. A faded Dream peered softly into his eyes across the barriers of the years. For every woman in the world was a mother, and a childless woman was the grandest, biggest mother of them all. And he had longed for children of his own; he, too, had remained a childless father. A vanished face gazed up into his own.

"I did hear, Cousin Arthur, that the Wyncote estate was growing to be valuable again; some coal or iron had been found." "So my mother writes me," said Tarleton. "We are old friends of your family." "You know," I said, "we are the elder branch." I was bent on discovering, if possible, the cause of my cousin's annoyance whenever Wyncote was mentioned.