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She was quite unconscious of her beauty, and her mode of speaking was simple and eager. She halted as she came near the King, and resting her two hands on the top of her lace parasol, nodded pleasantly to him and to the others. She neither courtesied nor offered him her hand, but seemed to prefer this middle course, leaving them to decide whether she acted as she did from ignorance or from choice.

Yet he steeled himself to bow again, though his eyes flashed. "I have indeed been ill and in misfortune," he answered, sardonically. "Can a man be in health and fortunate when your ladyship has ceased to smile upon him?" My Lady Betty courtesied with a languid air.

In which statement the landlady evidently coincided, and courtesied low when Miss Leaf introducing him as "my nephew," hoped that a room could be found for him. Which at last there was, by his appropriating Miss Leaf's, while she and Hilary took that at the top of the house. But they agreed, Ascott must have a good airy room to study in.

And now, Monsieur Riviere, you will permit us to bid you adieu." Edouard was obliged to take the hint. "It is I who am the intruder," said he. "Mesdemoiselles, conceive, if you can, my pride and my disappointment." He then bowed low; they courtesied low to him in return; and he retired slowly in a state of mixed feeling indescribable.

"Miss Elsie she tole me for to fotch up dis yere. She tink, Miss Elsie do, dat p'raps you'd rather eat yo' breakfus up yere dis mornin'." "Yes, so I would, Agnes, though I'm not very hungry. Tell mamma she's very kind, and I'm much obliged." "Ya'as, Miss Zoe," and Agnes courtesied and withdrew.

There she turned, and, looking down into the nest, from which came a whole litany of chirpings for breakfast, said, 'Lie still, little ones. Then she turned to the children. 'My husband is King of the Larks, she said. "Buffy-Bob took off his cap, and Tricksey-Wee courtesied very low. "'Oh, it's not me, said the bird, looking very shy. 'I am only his wife.

She threw her ponderous form straight through the door and made for the Chief Magistrate. Mr. Chase was delivering an important argument, but it had no weight with her. She bowed and courtesied to the President. "Excuse me, Governor," he said with a smile. "Good morning, Phoebe." "Good mornin', sah."

"Madame would not treat monsieur as a stranger, and therefore sent me," here, with her head on one side, she courtesied again, bewitchingly, "to say that we have a new valet, an ignorant fellow, for it is impossible to procure a decent domestic in America, and this untrained creature has to be drilled into les usages: he has forgotten that madame only receives on Saturday.

They had left their audience behind them on the great plantation, but they still sang to the empty road and courtesied to the cedars upon the way. Excitement gripped them like a frenzy and a childish joy in a coming change blended with a mother's yearning over broken ties.

The children smiled at her approach; their mothers rose and courtesied with affectionate respect. How many names and how many wants had she to remember! yet nothing was forgotten. Some were rewarded for industry, some were admonished not to be idle; but all were treated with an engaging suavity more efficacious than gifts or punishments.