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He doesn't see the war at all as a struggle between democracy and its opposite. He sees it merely as a struggle between Germany and the Allies; and inferentially he is perfectly willing the Kaiser should remain in power. He is of course a patriotic man and a man of great cultivation. But he doesn't see the deeper meaning of the conflict.

The jumping about of my big trout ruined the fishing, of course, in that part of the stream for some time, so, with a look of disgust for things generally, Captain Martin folded his rod and camp stool and returned to his tent. I had the trout served for our dinner, and, having been so recently caught, it was delicious.

As the gallant old hunter moved onward with rapid strides preceded by the faithful brute, which, on the regular trail, greatly facilitated their progress, by saving the company a close scrutiny of their course he from time to time cast his eyes upward and noted the thickening atmosphere with an anxious and troubled expression.

Abby Daggett seems to think I made it up out of whole cloth. Don't deny it, Abby. You know very well you said.... I s'pose of course he's told you, Mrs. Black." "Mr. Elliot has gone out," said Mrs. Black rather coldly. "Where's he gone?" demanded Lois. Mrs. Black was being devoured with curiosity; still she felt vaguely repelled. "Ladies," she said, her air of reserve deepening.

The mercy of Jesus Christ lavished upon you makes your yielding yourselves to Him your only rational course. Anything else is folly beyond comparison and harm and loss beyond count. ...Faith that is in Me. ACTS xxvi. 18.

The wind whistled around him, and beneath him the waters of the abyss, swelled by the thawing of the glaciers, those palaces of the Ice Maiden, foamed and roared in their rapid course.

It is in this spirit that the fears, and antipathies, and false imaginations of children are generally to be dealt with; though, of course, there may be many exceptions to the general rule. When Children are in the Wrong. There is a certain sense in which we should feel a sympathy with children in the wrong that they do.

"I don't know but what I could arrange with Eliza," she remarked. "Of course you can, like a good woman; and you and Jessie come up to Aston House at one o'clock and say where you'd like to go, and we'll go." Martha demurred. "Mr. Aston won't like it." "Won't like what?" "Our comin' to 'is 'ouse, like as if we 'ad any claim on you." "Do I or you know Mr. Aston best?" he demanded imperiously.

A man is, in some degree, responsible for his example and for the consequences which may indirectly flow from his course, as well as for the immediate results which he produces.

How could he know that I would change my ideal of what a husband should be?" "Why shouldn't he know? That is the course of development. Without changing ideals there would be stagnation." "Perhaps," she returned, and he thought he caught a note of weariness in her voice. "But I don't blame Frank now. I rather blame him then. He swept me off my feet; stampeded me.