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"Yes, but even a giant can't fight too big a crowd, especially if he is taken by surprise, and that's probably what happened," remarked Tom. "Now the question is where is the tank, and how can we get her back? Every minute counts.

But the flowers were exquisite, and even in a moralist's eyes, such flowering counts for something.

At the request of the Spanish envoy, the foremost Netherland rebels, in number about fifty, including by name the Prince of Orange, the Counts of Berg and Culemburg, with Saint Aldegonde, Boisot, Junius, and others, had been formally forbidden by Queen Elizabeth to enter her realm.

I answer, That which makes it be thought confused is, the applying it to some name to which it does no more discernibly belong than to some other: v.g. when it is said to be the picture of a man, or Caesar, then any one with reason counts it confused; because it is not discernible in that state to belong more to the name man, or Caesar, than to the name baboon, or Pompey: which are supposed to stand for different ideas from those signified by man, or Caesar.

And the Stranger, no, Jesus, He's no longer a stranger, Jesus says quietly, "Boys, better bring the haul up on the beach." And the old fishing habit still strong on them counts the fish. It's such an unusual haul, they must know how many. John must be thinking again about that earlier haul. The net couldn't stand the strain then. But now it's different. Ah! everything's blessedly different now.

The remaining provinces, under the obedience of the emperors, were cast into a new mould; and the jurisdiction of the presidents, the consulars, and the counts were superseded by the institution of the themes, or military governments, which prevailed under the successors of Heraclius, and are described by the pen of the royal author.

I can't tell you how much I appreciated your offer, your generosity; none the less because I can't possibly accept it." "It is nothing," she said. "It is not even generosity. Real generosity must cost something in renunciation." "No," he replied; "the cost has little to do with it. It is the spirit of the offer that counts. Don't belittle it."

Are you going to do the same, most noble sir, or don't you think a Burgomaster of the free city of Freiberg which, with refugees, now counts over sixty thousand souls is at least as good a man as the commander of two hundred and ninety soldiers? Schönleben clasped his hands behind his back, and paced slowly and thoughtfully up and down his room.

Don't protest, my good fellow I've had exactly the same kind of nights as you've had, and I know that it is grub that counts more than sleep." He gave an order to an attendant and not until twenty minutes later, when Beale had finished a surprisingly good meal in the superintendent's room, did the commissioner allow the story to be told. "Now I'm ready," he said.

Suddenly he burst out; and it was obvious that his words were pouring forth at random, without his knowing in the least what he was saying: "A hundred thousand francs! Two hundred thousand! Five hundred thousand! A million! A two fig for your millions! What's the use of millions? One loses them. They disappear.... They go.... There's only one thing that counts: luck.