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When the linen was well warmed the laundress passed it out through a little wicket in exchange for the number passed in by the nurse. As you see, the system was perfect, and everything, even to the strong smell of lye, combined to give the room a healthy, country-like aspect. There were garments enough there to clothe five hundred children.

It looked so homely and country-like to find a person thus occupied in the middle of a busy city, that Katy's heart warmed to her at once. Mrs. Redding was a fair little woman, scarcely taller than Rose and very much like her. She gave Katy a kind welcome. "You do not seem like a stranger," she said, "Rose has told us so much about you and your sister.

Underhill and the boys. I hope the children have had a good time. I've hardly had a glimpse of them except at dinner." They crossed the ferry and went over to Jersey. It was still pretty wild and country-like, but the trees and shrubs and bloom everywhere lent it a glory. The children chatted merrily, and all agreed the day was too short. "But you can come again," said Nora.

It was Father Hecker's delight to superintend this work, and to participate actively in it when his duties allowed. The grounds soon became an attractive spot, to which in a few years church-goers from all parts of the city began to make Sunday pilgrimages. They came in considerable numbers every Sunday to assist at Mass or Vespers in St. Paul's quiet, country-like church.

The other clowns, though it seems they knew not what the fellow wanted, pursued me, and finding they had better heels than I, I saw there was no remedy but to make use of my hands, and faced about. The first that came up with me was he that had no weapons, so I thought I might parley with him, and speaking as country-like as I could, I asked him what he wanted?

Still, please discard your own jacket and hat, and wear mother's domino. It's homely and country-like, and you must pull the hood over your head, since, if your hair has been described, and any soldier who calls has heard of it, he will have to be blind not to notice it." "Yes, it's dreadful stuff," she said, with amusing meekness.

But receiving no word, and fearing some freak of feeling in the incalculably susceptible Hans, whose proposed sojourn at the Abbey he knew had been deferred, he at length made a second call, and was admitted into the painting-room, where he found his friend in a light coat, without a waistcoat, his long hair still wet from a bath, but with a face looking worn and wizened anything but country-like.

Finally she decided upon taking a radical step. She went to the room where she found her meager wardrobe displayed in every country-like detail. So this was what Eleanor was planning a conquest made with fine clothes such as she had! "Mother," she began; "I have changed my mind about going to school. I have decided to remain here with father and you." "Oh, Poll! You just can't!" cried Eleanor.

What makes things country-like also is that I live in the same square as the family Marliani, Chopin in the next pavilion, so that without leaving this large well-lighted and sanded Court d'Orleans, we run in the evening from one to another like good provincial neighbours.

Now the road ran through less populous streets; houses stood at curious angles, and were unpainted, or painted in unusual colors. Great ware-houses and factories shadowed little clusters of workingmen's homes; here and there were country-like strips of brown palings with dusty mallow bushes spraying about them, or a lean cow grazing near a bare little wooden farmhouse.