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In briefe, we were supplied of our wants commodiously, as if we had bene in a Countrey or some Citie populous and plentifull of all things. And the next day by night we were at Cape Race, 25 leagues from the same harborough. From hence we shaped our course vnto the Island of Sablon, if conueniently it would so fall out, also directly to Cape Briton.

Here is very great good to be done in diuers of our commodities, and in like manner there is great profite to be made with commodities of this countrey, to be carried to Aleppo. It were long for me to write, and tedious for you to read of all things that haue passed since my parting from you.

The fourth day, being put from our watring place we began to seethe our meat in salt water, and to rebate our allowance of drinke, to make it indure the longer: and so concluded to set our course thence, for our owne countrey. The 12 of March I found my selfe thwart of Cape das Palmas.

And although the late King's Majesty, out of His meer grace and respects to this His native Kingdom, and the peace and quiet of His people, and for preventing the consequences which such bad example and practice might occasion, to the disturbance of the peace of his other Kingdoms, was pleased in the year, one thousand six hundred and forty one, to come into this Countrey, and by his own presence, at their pretended Parliaments and other wayes, to comply with, and give way to, many things neerly concerning the undoubted Interest and Prerogative of the Crown, expecting that such unparalleled Condescentions should have made His Subjects ashamed of their former miscariages, and the very thoughts thereof, to be hatefull to them and their posteritie for ever.

receved 2 Small Brooks on the East, extencive marshes at this place of Encampment We propose to build & pass the winter, The situation is in the Center of as we conceve a hunting Countrey- This day is fair except about 12 oClock at which time Some rain and a hard wind imedeately after we passed the point from the N. E which Continued for a about 2 hours and Cleared up. no meat

The river to day is about 1/4 of a mile in width; this evening the Countrey on the Lard. Side rises to the hight of that on the Starboard Side, and is wavering- we made 42 miles to day; the current much more uniform than yesterday or the day before. Killed 2 Speckle guls Severl. ducks of a delicious flavour. Side, we came too at those lodges, bought some wood and brackfast.

The Countrey is so well inhabited, that no one foote of ground is left vntilled: small store of cattell haue we seene this day, we sawe onely certaine oxen wherewithall the countrey, men do plow their ground. One oxe draweth the plough alone not onely in this shire, but in other places also, wherein is greater store of cattell.

The countrey people call him the God of trueth and of iustice. I had great conference with this king, and with the head captaine of the Portugals, which is one of the countrey. They demanded of me many questions as touching the law and faith of Iesus Christ, and as touching the Ten Commandements. Our Portugals which are here in this realme are woorse people then the Gentiles.

Neither was the vengeance of the other delayed, for Psyches travelling in that country, fortuned to come to another city where her other sister did dwel; to whom when shee had declared all such things as she told to her other sister shee ran likewise unto the rock and was slaine in like sort Then Psyches travelled about in the countrey to seeke her husband Cupid, but he was gotten into his mothers chamber and there bewailed the sorrowful wound which he caught by the oyle of a burning lamp.

For amongst other charges giuen to inquire but the singularities of this countrey, the Generall was most curious in the search of mettals, commanding the minerall man and refiner, especially to be diligent. The same was a Saxon borne, honest and religious, named Daniel.