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I was wondering how I could make it comfortable for Evelina here." But his father did not seem to listen. "Countin' on that!" he repeated. "Countin' on a poor old soul, that 'ain't ever had anything to set her heart on but a few posies, dyin' to make room for other folks to have what she's been cheated out on. Countin' on that!"

For, boys, you can put it down that a country ain't good that is run on the principle of countin' noses, and lettin' everybody have a say just because he walks on two legs and can talk instead of barkin' or waggin' his tail." And so Mr. Miller went on. Then Mr. Miller said damn, or that something could be "damned." And Mitch says, "Pa, did you know you swore?" And Mr.

I've knowed several real well six or eight, altogether, countin' two that run restauraws and one that done my warshin'. I got a kind o' cur'osity about 'em, but I don't take no personal interest in 'em. Why Gosh a'mighty " Bowers nearly kicked the stove over in his embarrassed denial. Kate looked after him speculatively as he made his escape in a relief that was rather obvious.

It was when it begun to look as if the War 'ad come to stop, an' one couldn't look at any boy without countin' up to see 'ow long 'e 'ad before the Army copped 'im.

Armstrong," he stammered; "I don't know as you recollect, probably it might not have meant as much to you as it did to me; but a spell ago you said somethin' about countin' me as a friend." "I know I did. And I meant it. You have been very kind, and Barbara is so fond of you. . . . Well, perhaps you can advise me, at least you can suggest or or help me to think. Will you?"

But right whilst we stood there we see folks of all classes from peasants to nobles and of all ages from childhood to old age walk up and kneel and kiss that onconscious big toe and go into some chapel countin' the beads of their rosaries. Good land!

Beside him was the slender figure of Anita; following was a stocky man whose unhandsome, face was alight with a broad grin. "Go to it, my bhoy!" Spud O'Malley was saying. "I don't know what you're up to, but you'll be countin' me in and here's hopin' you give those devils hell!"

"Do you happen to know how many they muster?" asked I. "Panza told me that he'd heard it said that her full complement was two hundred and twenty-six men, countin' officers and all. But if we can only manage to surprise 'em, and get aboard afore the alarm's given, I don't reckon that they'll give us so very much trouble," answered Hoard.

"I cayn't prove it just now. You'll have to take my word for it." "Yore word goes with me, Jim, even if I am an idiot by yore say-so," his father announced promptly. Jim smiled and let an arm fall across the shoulders of James Yeager, Senior. "I ain't countin' you in on that class, dad. You got to trailing with bad company. I'll have to bring you up stricter."

"Six locks we've passed while you was asleep, not countin' the stop-lock. But maybe you 're not used to travel by canal?" "I thank the Lord, no; or I'd never 'ave put Mr. 'Ucks up to it. Why, I'd walk it quicker, crutch an' all." "What'd you call a reas'nable price for eggs, now at this time o' year?" asked Mr. Bossom, abstractedly sucking the stump of a pencil and frowning at his notebook.