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Miners carried their "dust" in a buckskin bag, and this was put on the counter, and the storekeeper took out what he thought enough to pay for the things the miner bought. A large thumb to take a large pinch of the gold-dust meant a good many extra dollars to the storekeeper in '48 and '49.

Then she talked about them, and the story of their silent love, and how they lay on the counter together and split in two; and then she laughed heartily; but the blood rushed into Knud's cheeks, and his heart beat quickly.

Or are you a student or a professional or something?" "Hobby," she said and went back to work. The judge bent over her table. "Nice," he said. Rhiannon said nothing, and he retreated. Joe avoided her eyes. He could feel her glance, and he was starting to grin. One morning she asked for the bathroom key. The gal behind the counter tossed the key toward the bathroom door.

Knitting her brows a little his wife looked interrogation. "He's going to be married. Guess to whom." "Not to ?" "Well ?" "Bertha Cross ?" Again Franks nodded and laughed. An odd smile rose to his wife's lips; she mused for a moment, then asked: "And what position has he got?" "Position? His position behind the counter, that's all. Say's he shan't budge.

By half-time their numbers had risen to an excited mob of something over three hundred, and the second half of the game was fought out to the accompaniment of a storm of yells and counter yells such as usually only belonged to school-matches. The Second Fifteen, after a poor start, suddenly awoke to the fact that this was not going to be the conventional massacre by any means.

"Why didn't I know I loved her like this?" He took a turn to and fro, distracted. "And now I've made a mess of everything! Good Lord! what can I do? I must do something or go mad!" He swung round behind the soda-fountain counter and seized a bottle. "I know what! The rules are off! I can have a drink! I can have two drinks! I can have a million drinks if I want 'em!"

A woman of this kind is watched from the moment she enters an establishment until she leaves it. Usually, a trusty employee or detective follows her from counter to counter, unobserved, noting all the articles purloined.

"If ever you pass my way," I said to him, "just drop in and I'll give you a dinner of baked beans" and I smacked "and home made bread" and I smacked again "and pumpkin pie" and I smacked a third time "that will make your mouth water." All this smacking and the description of baked beans and pumpkin pie had an odd counter effect upon ME; for I suddenly recalled my own tragic state.

In an official report issued on Sunday, September 6, it is stated that, "The 5th French army on August 29 advanced from the line of the Oise River to meet and counter the German forward movement and a considerable battle developed to the south of Guise.

But his manners hindered him from showing more than a trace of the disappointment, and Sir Charles rode out to the bookseller at Leamington, with the volume beneath his coat. "Can you show me the companion to this?" said he, dumping it down upon the counter. The bookseller seized upon the volume and fondled it. "It is not fair," he cried.