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"Dad brought it up from the port this morning, and I got it away from him. Say," he continued, evidently much disturbed, "he's coming here." "Who is coming here your father?" "No, no! Not dad. I I couldn't help it. I didn't tell him. I said you wanted to play alone here at being shipwrecked, and I was just like you said your man Friday." "Who do you mean?" asked Sheila, greatly agitated. "Not "

"I thought you said you were to see 'The Jest. I've heard it's one of the best things for years." "Oh, I guess the show's all right. But the company was poor. My company, I mean. The person I wanted to see couldn't come." "Hope you had a supper party that made up for the disappointment," pursued Larry, adroitly trying to lead him on. "I sure had that, Captain!"

"It tells us he couldn't have been inspired like that unless the place and people were real to him!" "Well, pirate or priest," Tommy laughed, "he'll do if he waltzes us up to the big adventure. You're about fit enough to tackle one now!"

"She didn't make any answer, but she gave me her hand; and she couldn't have done anything I liked better than that. I held it as long as I could, which wasn't very long, and then she went down to her father." "Glad of it," said the blacksmith.

Then he said: "I'm going away, but I couldn't go until I saw you." "You are going away?" exclaimed Shirley, surprised. "Yes," he said, "I cannot stand it any more at home. I had a hot talk with my father yesterday about one thing and another. He and I don't chin well together. Besides this matter of your father's impeachment has completely discouraged me.

He stood by me in my troubles, an' now his trouble's come, I'm a gwine to stan' by him. I used to think Gundover's wife war jealous ob my Katie. She war so much puttier. Gundover's wife couldn't tech my Katie wid a ten foot pole."

I tried to go to sleep, but I couldn't. Every time I opened my eyes the moonlight was more and more like daylight through the white blind. At last I almost thought I must have really been to sleep without knowing it, and that it must be morning.

"Oh no, Sir! don't call me so; I am everything in the world but that." "Then all the rest of the world are good children. Why didn't you come to me before?" "Because I couldn't, Sir; I felt wrong all day yesterday." Mr. Lindsay laughed, and kissed her, and bade her sit down and eat her breakfast. It was about a month after this that he made her a present of a beautiful little watch.

"That's bold play," the Mayor said, "but I guess it goes. Yesterday it couldn't be done. To-day it can. The Chief Constable's down with smallpox. Got it from an Injun prisoner days ago. He's been bad for three days, but hung on. Now he's down, and there's no Chief. I was going to act myself, but the trouble was, if anything happened to me, there'd be no head of anything.

Wilkins with the eyes of some one who has had a revelation. Of course. That was how it could be done. She herself, she by herself, couldn't afford it, and wouldn't be able, even if she could afford it, to go there all alone; but she and Mrs. Arbuthnot together . . . She leaned across the table, "Why don't we try and get it?" she whispered. Mrs. Arbuthnot became even more wide-eyed.