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The complaining and coughing of the children made the home uncomfortable. Ellen was dumb; like an avenging fate she went about her business and cared for the children. Her expressive glance never encountered his; although he often felt that her eyes were resting on him. She had grown thin of late, which lent her beauty, a fanatical glow, and a touch of malice.

However, I rarely ever eat and drink before the people, avoiding as much as I can shocking their prejudices; and if asked about fasting, usually evade the question, or say I fast or wait for my dinner till Said can eat his dinner also. 18th. Weather has now set in cool. This morning a little cold and raw. Now's the time for catching coughs and cold; people are coughing already.

When the blast struck the house, blotting out the strange sounds which puzzled Beth, it released her strained attention, and had the effect of silence upon her after noise. In one of these pauses, she wondered if her mother and Bernadine, in the next bed, were asleep. "Mamma," she said softly, "mamma!" There was no response. The gale dropped. Then Beth heard some one coughing hard.

I would rather have given it to the travelling musicians. They, like us humanists, are allied to the Muses and, moreover, are harmless, happy folk." Lienhard Groland listened till his older friend had finished. Then, after thanking him for his well-meant counsel, he answered, turning to the others also: "In better days rope-dancing was the profession of yonder poor, coughing creature.

His eyes for an instant flamed with this marvellous fire, then darkened, softened with tears, and his voice came back in a sob of joy, and he could only say: "Friends brethren!" Marsden, after much coughing, said: "We all united on this. We wanted to have you come to the church and Well, we couldn't bear to have you see it again the way it was." He understood it now.

He waited ten minutes, perhaps, coughing at intervals, and at length Kosmaroff came to him, not from the land, but across the moving floes from the direction of the bridge. "The water is running freely," he said, "through the middle arch. I have a boat out there on the ice. Come!"

As Aaron King, in the splendid strength of his inheritance, went to pay his respects to the master of the house, that poor product of our age was seized by a paroxysm of coughing, that shook him gasping and choking almost into unconsciousness.

It was too weak to stir or do more than occasionally to make that muffled noise that I'd heard coming up through the smoke-hole." "What you goin' to do with him?" "Well, I hardly know. The Sisters will look after him for a while, if I get him there alive." "Why shouldn't you?" Kaviak supplied the answer straightway by choking and falling into an appalling fit of coughing.

The lady lives in a house where there are footmen but the footmen have come on the scene too hurriedly. 'This is more than I can stand, gasps my mother, and just as she is getting the better of a fit of laughter, 'Footman, give me a drink of water, she cries, and this sets her off again. Often the readings had to end abruptly because her mirth brought on violent fits of coughing.

The feeling of the cenacolo blent here with feelings of Ruth's cornfields, and the white square houses with their flat roofs enforced the illusion. Here we slept in the middle of a contadino colony. Some of the folk had made way for us; and by the wheezing, coughing, and snoring of several sorts and ages in the chamber next me, I imagine they must have endured considerable crowding.