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It was as though I must prevent her casting off her modesty at all costs by my own debasement; that is to say, as long as she desired only my body and not my heart. My heart remained out of shot range behind the walls of my true love for Emmy.

Thereupon the father proceeded to lay before his son the immediately pressing problems in the business the financial obligations already assumed, the heavy accumulation of stock for which there were no markets, the increasing costs in production with no hope of relief, but rather every expectation of added burdens in this direction.

This was a most exasperating if, a heart-wracking if, an if that made him pause among the ruins of his ancient friendship. He could not believe that it was altogether to chance that he and Hermia owed Olga's discovery of their strange intimacy. In his infatuation he had forgotten that the Ch‰teau de Cahors was near Alenon and that here was a spot which should at any costs have been avoided.

To accomplish this second objective we shall have to take into consideration changes that have taken place and will continue to take place in the production of farm commodities changes that affect costs and efficiency and volume. What we seek ultimately is a high level of food production and consumption that will provide good nutrition for everyone.

As it was now clear that no reliance could be put upon Egyptian troops, even when led by British officers, it became necessary for Great Britain to intervene if Suakin was not to fall into the hands of the Mahdi. This had to be prevented at all costs, and by the end of February a British force consisting of about 3500 troops was assembled at Suakin under General Graham.

Still it was a human and not a devilish pride. I would not be misunderstood as defending pride, or even excusing it in any shape; it is a thing that must be got rid of at all costs; but even for evil we must speak the truth; and the pride of a good man, evil as it is, and in him more evil than in an evil man, yet cannot be in itself such a bad thing as the pride of a bad man.

Somewhat more than fifty years ago, an accident revealed the beautiful caves of Bellamar, two or three miles from the city, and easily reached by carriage. Caves ought to be cool. These are not, but they are well worth all the perspiration it costs to see them. They are a show place, and guides are always available.

She looked at the little black book in her hand. "This edition costs five dollars," she said. "Scandalous!" exclaimed Mrs. Evringham. "I can tell you this is no time for us to be collecting editions de luxe. Wait till you're married." "I'm going to run in town for a while this morning, mother." "You are? Well don't get belated. You know that you are to ride with Dr. Ballard at half past four.

"Great Scott!" I cried, "does she expect us to ADOPT her?" "I don't know what she expects; I'm tryin' to tell you what she said. We're to do all this and keep a strict account of all it costs, and then when we are ready to make a a proposition, as she calls it, this account can be subtracted from the money she thinks we've got that belongs to her." "But there isn't any money belonging to her.

A fowl costs five or six shillings; meat is nearly as dear as in England; firewood, or rather sticks, are brought on donkeys from a distance of two and three days' journey within the Cordillera; and pasturage for animals is a shilling a day: all this for South America is wonderfully exorbitant.