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The architecture strikes me as extremely fine; each alternate side of the octagon being an arch, rising as high as the cornice of the lofty dome, and forming the frame of a vast niche. All the dead princes, no doubt, according to the general design, were to have been honored with statues within this stately mausoleum; but only two those of Ferdinand I. and Cosmo II. seem to have been placed here.

Public curiosity was intensely excited by this singular proceeding, especially when it became known that the workmen were stringing copper wires the whole length of the ditch. "What the deuce is he up to now?" was the question on everybody's lips. But Cosmo and his employees gave evasive replies to all inquiries. A great change had come about in Cosmo's treatment of the public.

Cosmo had a force of trained guards on hand, but everybody who wished was permitted to enter and inspect the ark. Curious multitudes constantly mounted and descended the long approaches, being kept moving by the guards. Inside they wandered about astonished by what they saw.

Upon the demise of Cosmo, his son Piero, being heir to the wealth and government of his father, called to his assistance Diotisalvi Neroni, a man of great influence and the highest reputation, in whom Cosmo reposed so much confidence that just before his death he recommended Piero to be wholly guided by him, both with regard to the government of the city and the management of his fortune.

Then he turned furiously upon the persons nearest him, and began to push them toward the open gangway. At a signal from Cosmo Versal, two men seized him and pinioned his arms. At that his mood changed, and, wrenching himself loose, he once more ran to Cosmo, waving his bedraggled bundle, and shouting: "A billion! Here's the certificates gilt-edge!

It has been so long denied me, that at length I have grown indifferent to the possession of it. That is a merciful provision of the Creator, that the human mind should have the faculty of accommodating itself to circumstances, even of positive nuisance." Cosmo rose. It would make a picturesque ruin from certain points of view on the estate."

"Doubtless and I fear I have hardly to discover his agent." "And Mr. Jermyn?" said Cosmo, with a look half shy, half fearful, as if after all some bolt must be about to fall. "I can tell you very little about him. I have scarcely seen him since he brought me the money." "Then he didn't. . . . ?" "Well, what didn't he?" "I have no right to ask." "Ask me ANYTHING." "Didn't he ask you to marry him?"

I need hardly say to you that we shall, if necessary, find means to set aside the private agreements under which you are proceeding, as inimical to public interests, but you have already struck a serious blow at the security of your country." The President pronounced the last sentence with oratorical unction, and Cosmo was conscious of an approving movement of big official shoulders around him.

When the company in the Ark had recovered from the astonishment produced by the narratives of De Beauxchamps and Cosmo Versal, and particularly the vivid description given by the latter of the strange idol concealed in the breast of the "Father of Horror," and the inferences which he drew concerning its prophetic character, the question again arose as to their future course.

Aggie smiled to herself, and reverting to Cosmo, presently set before him a difficulty she had met with in her algebra, a study which, at such few times as she could spare, she still prosecuted with the help of Mr. Simon. So Elsie, who understood nothing of the subject, was thrown out. She dropped a little behind, and took the role of the abandoned one.