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When we have once established in our minds the truth of this universal cosmic intelligence, in which there is no sickness, poverty or death, unless we recognize it, it does not take us long to work out better conditions for ourselves in the physical body and environment.

This, it may fairly be said, is very speculative, but the fact remains that celestial bodies appear to be the only places in which the complex elements may be in actual process of formation from their known source hydrogen. At least we may see what a vast variety of physical conditions these cosmic crucibles afford.

It assumed rather the character of a cosmic event, taking more and more from the effectiveness of the most powerful individuals. All settlements on which coalitions were based were connected with certain war aims by the Cabinets, such as the promises of compensation given to their own people, the hopes of gain from the final victory.

It is evident that we are quite out of the region of scientific tests, and to whatever view our authors may urge we can only languidly assent that it is out of our power to disprove it. See my Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy, Vol. II. pp. 142-148. The essential weakness of such a theory as this lies in the fact that it is thoroughly materialistic in character.

That the rules of the nursery I mean the nursery where the true mother is the present genius, not the hell at the top of a London house that the rules of the nursery over which broods a wise mother with outspread wings of tenderness, should be the laws also of cosmic order, of a world's well-being, of national greatness, and of all personal dignity, may well be an old-wives'-fable to the man who dabbles at saving the world by science, education, hygiene and other economics.

"The whole evolutionary process, both cosmic and organic, is one, and the biologist may now rightly regard the universe in its very essence as biocentric." Another Harvard voice is less pronounced in favor of the mechanistic conception of life.

This corner of the palace has an ever-increasing fascination for me, and at all hours of the day and night this strong column below and the slenderer one above it hold the light whether of sun or moon or artifice with a peculiar grace. The design of this capital is, fittingly enough, cosmic.

This must be so, for what springs from a thing must contain the elements of its cause. And the Cosmic Evolution continues, and must continue for aeons of time. Higher and higher forms of Mind are being manifested, and still higher and higher forms will appear in the scale, as the process continues.

Infinity is the Fleeting, the Fleeting is the Vanishing, the Vanishing is the Reverting." The Tao is in the Passage rather than the Path. It is the spirit of Cosmic Change, the eternal growth which returns upon itself to produce new forms. It recoils upon itself like the dragon, the beloved symbol of the Taoists. It folds and unfolds as do the clouds.

'Therefore, looking to this necessarily suspicious character of the scientific train of reasoning, and then observing that, even if accepted, it leaves the fact of cosmic harmony unexplained, I maintain, that whatever probability the phenomena of nature may in former times have been thought to establish in favour of the theory as to an intelligent Author of nature, that probability has been in no wise annihilated nor apparently can it ever be annihilated by the advance of science.