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And now on all sides what clear showers and sparkling coruscations of melody! what a broad, blue sky above! what a fair, green earth below! how warm and odorous this radiating space, made resonant with the ring of sweet bird-harmonies! wild thrills of ecstasy and lover-like tenderness snatches of song caught up from the flower-filled meadows and set to float in echoing liberty through the azure dome of heaven! and in all and above all, the light and heat and lustre of the unclouded sun!

The aperture containing the ionizing mechanism was still open; I glanced within, The whirling ball of fire was not dimmed, but its coruscations, instead of pouring down through the cylinder, swirled and eddied and shot back as though trying to re-enter their source. Rador nodded grimly. "The Shadow takes its toll," he said. We topped a rise Larry gripped my arm. "Look!" he cried, and pointed.

Its coruscations occasionally concealed from sight stars of the first magnitude in passing over them, at other times these were faintly discerned through them; once I perceived a stream of light to illumine the under surface of some clouds as it passed along. There was no perceptible noise. Mr.

The thunder mutters growls rolls peals forth in grand ear-breaking crashes, that appear to shake the dense sky overhead; but still, whenever the electric coruscations light up the sable darkness, I can see Min's face, apparently ever before me, ever inviting me on, ever inapproachable! Anon, the boat glides back into the ocean again.

In its prevalent color it had, indeed, the dazzle and flash of the ruby; but out from the mass of the molten red, broke coruscations of all prismal hues, shooting, shifting, in a play that made the wavelets themselves seem living things, sensible of their joy.

The great mountain shapes of glittering, red gold were clear as the profiles of goddesses, against a sky of rose. One the grandest goddess of all wore on her proud head a crown of snow which sparkled with diamond coruscations, rainbow-tinted in the pink light.

"Pitt's Speeches, as I spell them from Walpole and the other faint tracings left, are full of genius in the vocal kind, far beyond any Speeches delivered in Parliament: serious always, and the very truth, such as he has it; but going in many dialects and modes; full of airy flashings, twinkles and coruscations.

To and fro, across the Pont des Invalides, gleaming lights flashed without ceasing; far below, across a band of denser gloom, appeared a marvellous train of comet-like coruscations, from whose lustrous tails fell a rain of gold. These were the reflections in the Seine's black waters of the lamps on the bridge. From this point, however, the unknown began.

The few coruscations that flashed over the sky, gradually became fewer and dimmer; the asteroids sought paths further and further apart, and finally disappeared altogether. The ether resumed its original blackness.

The waters lay so close to me, they seemed to enter and revive my heart. I rose to the surface, shook the water from my hair, and swam as in a rainbow, amid the coruscations of the gems below seen through the agitation caused by my motion. Then, with open eyes, I dived, and swam beneath the surface. And here was a new wonder.