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The back of the garment should be quite flat, and padding may be needed in the case of hollow backs, as there should be no high water line across the back defining where corset ends and back commences. The collar should fit nicely into the neck at the back, and not gape open from being cut too low.

Miss Darrell reigned queen of the day, and queen of the ball, for three days and three nights, unrivalled in our young hero's eyes; but on the fourth night, Ormond chancing to praise the fine shape of one of her very dear friends, Miss Darrell whispered, "She owes that fine shape to a finely padded corset. Oh! I am clear of what I tell you she is my intimate friend."

Miss Carr, struggling against overwhelming odds, lived within $6 without charitable aid. With her experience may be compared those of two other older saleswomen, who were wholly self-supporting. Mrs. Green, a shrewd-appearing woman of thirty-five, had been wage-earning only two years. She began work in Philadelphia in a commission house as a saleswoman and corset fitter.

Thus, filled with a sense of duty, and wishing, at all costs, to obey her director, who bade her converse with amenity, the poor soul perspired in her corset when the talk around her languished, so much did she suffer from the effort of emitting ideas in order to revive it.

On country roads, at fair time, the traveler will see barefoot girls who are women, and just suspecting it, who have cheeks like ripe pippins; laughing eyes with long, dark, wicked lashes; teeth like ivory; necks of perfect poise; and waists that, never having known a corset, are pure Greek. Of course, these girls are aware that we admire them how could they help it?

Beside the driver stood in the full light a German officer, a tall young man, fair and slender, tightly encased in his uniform like a woman in her corset, his flat shiny cap, tilted to one side of his head, making him look like an English hotel runner.

"Personally," said he, "I was much struck with your observations; but my daughter is afraid she will catch cold if she leaves off her corset, and that, you know, might be very serious." Dr. Staines groaned, and, when he had groaned, he lectured.

You can have it an' willin', my dear, an' then there's them " "Ann, you dear thing, as if I would!" "Why not? That corset cover's a dream! An' then there's them " "Dear, I couldn't I wouldn't! No, I'll go to him just as I am he shall marry me just like I am " "An' that's a goddess!" nodded Mrs. Trapes, "yes, a young goddess only, with more clo'es on, o' course.

It would be delicious to get off her corset and shoes, let down her hair there he was, bolt upright before the fire, his back to the door. She took in the significance of his tense attitude and prepared herself for the worst, sinking into a chair, letting her bundles slide at various tangents from her rounded surface, and surveying her brother with the utmost unresignation.

He's luggin' it into the woodshed, and three sticks at a time make his legs bend like corset whalebones. Looks like he's got a good stiddy job for all winter and every once in a while she comes out and yaps at him to prod him up." "Well, that gets him taken care of, all right," said the Cap'n, with a sigh of relief. "Yes, he's taken care of," remarked Hiram, dryly.