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In corrupt societies it is necessary to become corrupt, in order to become happy. Citizens, led astray at the same time both by their spiritual and temporal guides, neither knew reason nor virtue.

"No, Sir," said the parson, "we want equal justice, equal political rights; in fact all we want, and all that the people require, to make them free and happy, is equal laws and an impartial and just administration of those laws, which we shall never have while the present corrupt system lasts.

So we rode without further conversation up to where Fred and Will were standing with Kagig, and as I tumbled off into Fred's arms I was greeted with a chorus of welcome that included Gloria's voice. "That's what I call using your bean!" she laughed, in the slangy way she had whenever Will had the chance to corrupt her Boston manners. "It feels baked," I said.

"He was; but he has solemnly promised to amend, and become a good boy," answered Frank, warmly. "Not much dependence can be placed upon the promises of such boys as Tim." "But if no one encourages him to become better, he will not be likely to improve much, especially when everybody despises and shuns him." "There is danger that he may corrupt the rest of the club."

They were corrupt and profligate beyond all bearing. They sat on juries and gave false verdicts for money. They went out to govern provinces, showed themselves horribly cruel and greedy, and then came home to be acquitted by men who had done or hoped to do the very same things themselves.

It put an end to the pernicious power of the landed gentry, who hitherto raised the rates for all local services, dispersed patronage and were guilty of many misdeeds and malversations, as well of being prolific in every conceivable form of abuse which a rotten and corrupt system could lend itself to. To this the Local Government Act of 1898 put a violent and abrupt end.

Lentulus and the rest of the conspirators were put to death, but Caesar, finding so much insinuated and charged against him in the senate, betook himself to the people, and proceeded to stir up the most corrupt and dissolute elements of the state to form a party in his support.

Cowardice has succeeded to courage, disorder to discipline; the place of the statesman is usurped by the demagogue; and instead of a nation of heroes, marshalled under the supremacy of the wise and good, modern Athens presents to view a disordered and competitive mob, bent only on turning each to his own personal advantage the now corrupt machinery of administration and law.

In winter, when the snow covered the earth for several weeks, the famished and furious wolves assembled in the neighbourhood in packs, carrying off in the broad daylight everything they could lay their teeth on; sheep and shepherd, dogs and huntsman, horse and horseman, bones, hair, and skins half-tanned, old hats and shoes even the corrupt bodies of the dead were torn from their resting-places, and eaten by these horrid animals.

It was never allowed to sleep, however, and in 1809, a bill introduced by Curwen to pave the way for reform by preventing the return of members upon corrupt agreements, actually passed both houses, though in so mutilated a form that it was practically a dead letter.