United States or Mauritania ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Likewise the movements in the field of science and discovery should be correlated with movements in the fields of literature, religion and political control. Tabulate the events in chronological order and compare the different series of events with each other.

Animals kept by savages in different countries often have to struggle for their own subsistence, and would be exposed to a certain extent to natural selection, and individuals with slightly different constitutions would succeed best under different climates; and there is reason to believe that constitution and colour are correlated.

IV. The Present Social Attitude Towards Prostitution: The Decay of the Brothel The Tendency to the Humanization of Prostitution The Monetary Aspects of Prostitution The Geisha The Hetaira The Moral Revolt Against Prostitution Squalid Vice Based on Luxurious Virtue The Ordinary Attitude Towards Prostitutes Its Cruelty Absurd The Need of Reforming Prostitution The Need of Reforming Marriage These These Two Needs Closely Correlated The Dynamic Relationships Involved.

I could not do otherwise than agree with the direct-spoken old lady who had at once correlated the adventure in Carlisle with the plunge into the Wellingsford Canal. And so did Sir Anthony. They were very brave, however, the little man and Edith, in their dinner-talk with Betty. But I saw that the past fortnight had aged them both by a year or more.

With varieties and species, correlated variation seems to have played an important part, so that when one part has been modified other parts have been necessarily modified. With both varieties and species, reversions to long-lost characters occasionally occur.

After school days they fail to find their Catholic faith correlated with the problems and experiences which never troubled them before, and which now, lack of higher education will not allow them to solve and to face. Have we not indeed in Western Canada to guard ourselves against latitudinarianism in our Catholic life?

The small schools must be correlated with some form of high school. The last point is of great importance because of the comparative absence in country communities of opportunity near at hand for good high-school training.

In many cases he imitates the white nations by cutting off his queue and altering his dress. In some mysterious correlated way his diet seems simultaneously affected, and while for untold generations rice and fish has satisfied all his gastronomic desires, a new craving, that for meat, has come to him. The result is apparent in many parts of the East.

Turner, almost shortly, and forced himself to turn away from the following of that dazzling vision, which was almost painful under the circumstances. By mutual impulse they walked down the length of the side porch and across the front porch. Sam drew himself away from dancing and certain correlated ideas with a jerk. "I've been wanting to talk with you, Mr. Stevens," he observed.

He remembered, with a curious sort of thrill, some notes which he had to complete that morning for his lecture and in the same instant he was walking back across the turf towards his house through the warm May sunshine. "Yes," he said to himself, as he drew a deep breath of the sweet spring air. "I was right; that's it. The fourth dimension is a form of duration in some way correlated with space.