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Who could she be, this cold creature, whom even Giovanni could not move to interest? It was absurd the letter was absurd the whole thing was absurd! None but a madman would think of pursuing such a course; and why should he think it necessary to confide his plans his very foolish plans to her, Corona d'Astrardente, why? Ah, Giovanni, how different things might have been!

M. Faye, of the French Academy, inclined to a lunar origin for them; Feilitsch of Greifswald published in 1852 a treatise for the express purpose of proving all the luminous phenomena attendant on solar eclipses corona, prominences and "sierra" to be purely optical appearances.

Then she led Faustina to a stiff old sofa at one end of the vast room and they sat down together. "What is it?" she repeated, drawing the girl affectionately to her side. "You know what it is, dear. No one can help me. Oh, Corona! we love each other so very much!" "I know I know it is very real. But you must have a little patience, darling. Love will win in the end.

So the three rode silently back to the castle, and at the gate Gouache dismounted and left them, politely declining a rather cold invitation to come in. Giovanni and Corona went silently up the staircase together, and on into a small apartment which in that cold season they had set apart as a sitting-room.

"I have also heard of you," said the bishop, as he stood smiling beside Corona's camp-chair, "and I have regretted that I have been the innocent means of preventing you for a time from occupying your brother's camp." "Oh, do not mention that," said Corona, sweetly. "I walked over there yesterday, and I think it is a great deal pleasanter here, so you have really done me a favor.

"Is it them two sittin' over there?" she said, pointing to Margery and Clyde. "Are they on a honey-moon?" "No!" exclaimed Arthur Raybold, in a loud, sharp voice. "What an absurdity! Corona, what are you talking about?" To this his sister paid no attention whatever. "I think," she said, "it was a noble thing to do.

Corona would think he was inconsistent, or at least that he was willing to flirt with the gay widow, while determined not to marry her.

"I would rather not," said Giovanni, with something like a laugh. "But I must tell Corona this news." "Wait till she is herself again. It might disturb her too much." "You do not know her!" Giovanni laughed heartily this time. "If you think she cares for such things, you are very much mistaken in her character. She will bear the misfortune better than any of us. Courage, padre mio!

These were missed by very few careful onlookers; but the extent assigned to them varied with skill in, and facilities for seeing. Never before had an eclipse been viewed from anything approaching that altitude, or under so translucent a sky. A proof of the great reduction in atmospheric glare was afforded by the perceptibility of the corona four minutes after totality was over.

He chewed his knuckles with fierce intentness and thought the matter over. "A'm delayin' ma seventh warnin'," said Tam, "for A'm no' so sure that McMahl is aboot. A've no' seen the wee chiel for a gay lang time." Tam pulled at his cigar with a pained expression, removed the Corona from his mouth, eyeing it with a disappointed sneer, and sniffed disparagingly before he replied.